Forum Discussion

PatrickVincent-'s avatar
Community Member
5 years ago

Viewing Storyline Offline

I would like to publish a course in which I can save it to my FTP site and email a link to users. I would like them to be able to complete the course either online or offline on their computers or on their iPads. I have been publishing as HTML5 with Flash backup and AMP enabled. I then have sent the story.html link to users. Everything works fine except they don't get an option to save and view offline. The only way I have gotten it to work is to send users the amplaunch.html link. This works if they are on their iPad but doesn't work on computers and I would rather not provide two links.

  • ChrisClift's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Patrick,


    Didi you ever get a resolution to this problem?

  • Hi, Chris.

    Patrick might not be subscribed to this discussion, but you're welcome to contact them directly through their profile by clicking on their name and selecting Contact Me

    My teammate Leslie replied to a similar question, also by Patrick, here, which could be helpful to you.