Forum Discussion

CarlaHopwood-d9's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Visited & Selected States Confusion

Hi everyone,

I've created a hover and selected state on an object. When users click on it, it lightboxes a slide.  After the user closes the lightbox slide I want the object to go to a selected state, but it's not doing that right now.  I thought that this state change would occur automatically, but I think I'm doing something wrong.  At first I had the selected states as visited, but same result. Has anyone else run into this?


  • Carla,

    Can you provide a copy of your .story file? If so, it will make it much easier for someone to assist you.


  • Hi, Carla.

    Thank you for sharing the .story file!

    The built-in states (Selected, Visited, Hover, etc.) don't need triggers to function. If you delete or disable the hover triggers you created, your project should work as expected.

    Once the user closes the lightbox, the selected state will show for that icon. If you want it to maintain the gray color after the user moves to a different lightbox, you can also create a Visited state.

    I hope this helps!