Forum Discussion

JulieNavarro's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Ways to automate repetitive tasks?

Putting feelers out for suggestions on whether/how we can automate repetitive edits to existing Storyline files. Here are some of the edits we're spending a lot of time on, along with the not-ideal manual work that we're currently doing:

1. Broken links. A page has moved and so the link is now dead across multiple Storyline files. We're currently changing the URL on each trigger one by one.

2. Hyperlink formatting. We have multiple existing courses (some of which consist of multiple files) where the hyperlink formatting (font color, etc.) needs to be updated. Currently, we have to go into each Scene of each file, put the cursor into a textbox and modify the hyperlink text style. The text style modifications don't consistently carry across to the other Scenes in the file, so each Scene has to be checked or updated individually. After all of those text style modifications, the existing hyperlinks don't always update to the new formatting, so then each URL trigger has to be deleted and re-done.

3. Making objects not visible to accessibility tools. Many existing courses have decorative items visible; the decorative items are often header/footer items that appear on many/all slides of a project. We're currently going through each slide to make those items not visible.

(I'm aware issues 2 and 3 can be avoided/decreased by setting up Slide Master layouts and formatting before content development; however, we also have existing projects we need to update.)

We have some other repetitive tasks. Does anyone have experience with automating the above or other repetitive/time-consuming edits?

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