Forum Discussion

SheilaJohnson-a's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

We want it all but we don't want an LMS.


Presently our Rise 360 courses are on our website. We do not limit who can take them - basically if someone bumps into them, they can take it. However, we need to start capturing basic info (name, email, title, company) and that is not so easy on our website. Any thoughts on how to do this without using an LMS? We have access to Canvas but that will make enrollment much more complicated. 


  • I would look at something like Wordpress with Learndash and Tincanny.

    I really you will have a login or you could just ask them to enter their name and capture in a google sheet but that is not very secure.


  • I would have recommended the Cluelabs widget, but I am finding the price increase a bit steep, and it is simpler and cheaper to spin up a WordPress site and et that handle the load.

  • Interesting. My usage is light & so I often pay nothing for the month. When I do pay it's only a few dollars. I'm obviously at a different level to you Phil! 😊

    • PhilMayor's avatar
      Super Hero

      I have a few courses on open websites tracking data and some months they can get hit very hard, unfortunately, I cannot change the tracking method now.

  • With lot of data ClueLabs not only is pricey, its also unreliable and slow. A client of mine used to use ClueLabs but data did not pass or pass into the wrong row, mainly due to the speed of transfer. With a direct Google Function to pass the same data it went issueless and fast.

  • Completely agree Math. I used cluelabs as I didn’t have the time to troubleshoot a Google drive post. The open nature of Google drive for posting for anything that is user identifiable is and issue. In those cases we spin up an LRS and use that. 

    • MathNotermans-9's avatar
      Community Member

      Indeed xApi is the future, so best to invest in that. As i get more and more questions about AVG and GPDR its for me probably also time to get more into LRS's and xApi.

  • Thanks everyone. I'll take a look at the few mentioned. I'm glad I gave you the opportunity to talk w/ each other on the topic too!