Forum Discussion

FrankDunaway's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Web Employment - How difficult for the IT folks?

So, my contracted webmaster indicates that it would be very difficult to put our Articulate 360 Rise courses on our web site. Keeping in mind, I will not track students or their progress, I was wondering why that would be an issue. This is the public facing site that does not need high security.

It seems to me that employing the course using the "publish to web" feature wouldn't be that difficult Am I wrong? What possible issues would the webmaster face? Is there a reference I can send him, so he understands?



  • PhilFoss's avatar
    Community Member

    Frank, its very easy as long as you have ftp access to your web hosting, you just need to upload the published web files. But your web guy might have thought you wanted to do more of an integration with the Rise content and your current site, which would be difficult.

  • FrankDunaway's avatar
    Community Member

    Thanks for the reply. When you say "an integration," do you mean adopting the files to the website's template?

    • PhilFoss's avatar
      Community Member

      Yes thats what I meant, the Rise course is essentially a separate website, tell him 'we need to host this site on our domain' just make a new folder/directory in your web space for the course, and upload the files there.

  • I am having similar issues with this. It won't let me just upload the unzipped file. I have to upload them manually. It's frustrating, because not only did I have to rename a lot of the files that had capital letters, but some of the files were simply too large. The process seems straight forward, even for me, but then it's not.

    The documentation provided is limiting. Did you ever find a solution? I have a ticket with support now but decided to look here for additional insights.

    • KarlMuller's avatar
      Community Member

      It's not that difficult, The first time I did this, it took me about 15 minutes.

      Our IT department gave me FTP access to our public facing web server. They also provided me with a FTP client.

      I published my Rise course for web, and unzipped the resulting ZIP file to my local computer.

      I connected to the FTP server using the client app, and created a folder for my Rise course, 

      Using the FTP client, I copied all the unzipped folders and files from my local drive to the new folder on the web server. 

      Used the index.html file to launch the course.