Forum Discussion
What are the things that affect resume where you left off and suspend_data?
Did some testing using SCORM Cloud to see why a build for one of our clients was resuming up to a point, but after that failing to recall any further information about slides visited or actions on slides set to 'resumed saved state'. This post was really helpful, thank you Rocia Saracho.
As mentioned earlier here, the 'maximum suspend data size' is just 4,096 if you've published to SCORM 1.2 (released in 2001).
Publishing to SCORM 2004 4th edition (released in 2009 - wish they had stuck with the original plan to call it SCORM 1.3) increases the maximum suspend data size to 64,000!
Note: When you're publishing and you first select SCORM 2004 from the drop-down, at the time of writing it defaults to the original edition (as you'd expect this was released in 2004) which has a 'maximum suspend data size' of just 4000. You'll want to go in a bit deeper and select the 'Tracking and reporting' button to specify the 4th edition.
It would be great if the latest version became the default and you had to go in deeper to choose a prior version of SCORM 2004.