Forum Discussion

JohnMaher-28333's avatar
Community Member
5 years ago

Wrapping issue

I've noticed that there is a wrapping issue in Rise.. I'm seeing it in all of my courses, in both Firefox and Chrome. Is anyone else seeing this?

  • Here's the issue, i think. CSS has word-break: break-all on. For some reason.

    K. Done.

    I'll take payment in Snickers :)

    • Crystal-Horn's avatar

      Alex, I'm really sorry, but I only deal in Butterfingers.

      I'll let you know when we've taken a bite out of this bug. 😉

  • YES. Us too. Everywhere. It's on courses we've just created or are creating. 

    We're about to send off a bunch of stuff to client -- huge issue.

    Adding a few keywords in case anyone is searching for it:
    Word wrap, justification, line break

  • Good news, I think? It's only in the editing environment for me. Still annoying tho :)

  • Hi there, John and Alex. Thanks for pointing this behavior out. I'm also seeing strange line breaks on our default text blocks. We'll have a look and keep you updated!

  • I'm glad it's not just me. All of a sudden all of the text began having the odd breaks in the edit format. Not seeing it in the preview, thankfully, but it makes it difficult to write!

  • I am just now seeing this too. So, I take it from Crystal's comment that the are aware this is a bug and they are on it???

  • Hey folks, the line break issue is now fixed! Please close your Rise 360 browser window, then reopen your course. 

    Let us know if you are still seeing this problem on your side! 

  • Hi! A client just noticed a wrapping issue in a chart, but I'm not able to make it happen for me. 

  • Hi Russell,

    Thanks for reaching out!

    Can you please share the following? :

    - the browser and version where the user was experiencing the issue

    - the specific content area where it appears

    - the font and size that causes the line break for the user