Adding Collaborators/new trial accounts

Aug 16, 2022


I am trying to add new collaborators to a course (most of my team has a license but some have to use a trial)...I keep getting an Error message when adding their email... does Rise accept Icloud accounts |? They are activating their trial, and then I try to add them - does not work. Any ideas? Thank you! 

3 Replies
Gren Foronda

Hi Shannon! 

Sorry about the error when adding users (with iCloud email addresses) as collaborators to your course.

Anyone with an Articulate 360 Teams account can collaborate on a Rise course, even with trial accounts. Only users with Individual (not Teams) Articulate 360 accounts cannot collaborate on the courses.

However, trial accounts are Articulate 360 Teams accounts, so they should be able to collaborate on courses. We suggest to start a case and share the error message and the iCloud email addresses so we can look into this error/issue further.