Course Completion Issue / Bookmarking Issue

Dec 23, 2020


We have a course consisting 32 lessons in RISE, which we have published in SCORM 1.2. After publishing this course and uploading it to our LMS, we found that when we view all the lessons of the course, it shows as 100%  completed and the course completion is also sent to the LMS. However, after relaunching the course, last 6 lessons show as incomplete or not visited and LMS shows a completion of 81%. We know that this is not an issue with the LMS since this is also occurring on  SCORM Cloud.

Also attaching a video recording of this issue.

4 Replies
Alyssa Gomez

Hello Arsalan, thanks so much for taking the time to record a video of what you're seeing in SCORM Cloud. This is definitely not behavior we would expect, so with your permission, we'd love to test your output file from our side.

If that works for you, please attach your LMS output file to a new case here, and we'll delete it as soon as we're done testing.