Posting Rise course in Modern Sharepoint

Aug 04, 2020

This very well could be a question for Microsoft but I figured I would check and see if any one else has encountered this issue. I have a SharePoint 2013 site that I post Rise courses to. I export the course for web and then I change the .html to .aspx. I can then upload everything and click the "index.aspx" and it opens up the course in a new tab. This system isn't ideal but it works. I am in the process of migrating my site over to the Modern Sharepoint and this method does not seem to be working anymore. Now when I try to open the "index.aspx" file it prompts me to download and will not open up the Rise course like it does in the older version of sharepoint. Has anyone else ran into this? Any tips or workarounds?

10 Replies
Yanko Michea

We use SharePoint as part of our institution's Office 3365 subscription, so I decided to test uploading the HTML import to one of our test accounts. In order to prep the import, I renamed "index.html" to "index.aspx". This allows SharePoint to server the course. I briefly tested the output file, and it seems to work (it opens on a pop-up window and plays all content I had).

... just wanted to share...


Amanda Calabrese

In our organization I simply add the course "share" URL to the "quick links" web part in SharePoint. This opens the course on a new tab, which we're OK with. If that's not a deal breaker, it's an easy solution. 

Some of the courses have links to surveys or quizzes created in Microsoft forms which collects the data/feedback for us. Optional of course, as most of the courses we load on SharePoint are for "anytime" learning and we are not required to track those.