Rise - Disable forward seeking in AUDIO

Oct 09, 2018


Is there a function that will disable forward seeking for AUDIO files?  This function is available for video and is a useful tool, and it would be equally beneficial for audio.

If not, are there any plans to add this function to Rise? 

Thank you.

23 Replies
David Wolfe

Thank you.  It seems only logical to implement this.  The video restriction exists because, presumably, there is something you are requiring your student to see.   In the case of audio, there may be something you are requiring your student to hear, so they should not have the option to fast forward past it.

During the testing and QAQC for the training I'm developing, this was pointed out repeatedly by my testers.

Darren McNeill

I already submitted a feature request also for this to make users listen to the audio before being able to move forward.

I thought I would be clever by creating a video file that was 1280px wide and 1px high and the video was a white background only but when I import it into Rise it shows the window at 16:9 ratio anyway. It would also be an idea to be able to change the video dimensions also if Audio Forward seeking is not an adjustable option.

Crystal Horn

Hi, Grant. We don't have this enhancement on our roadmap right now. We evaluate requests alongside other projects, such as bug fixes and other new features. Once a feature makes the cut, we add it to our roadmap for development and testing. We'll post any changes around the audio block here!

Lindsay White

Roadmap request, roadmap request, road map request! Can I scream voting this option in like Dorothy in Wizard of Oz saying there's no place like home, because wow we really really need this feature. Audio is being skipped over on our safety presentations and sadly I can't keep everyone honest without the restricting in place! 

Jon Tate

Disabling the learner's ability to scrub forward on audio would be very helpful. In mandatory education such as compliance, information security, HIPAA, etc. we should be able to lock that. I hope you will consider moving this up the priority list. I echo the comment above about engineering honesty into our presentations. 

Lindsay White

In previous discussions it's been stated to use Storyline and then imbed this as a story block into Articulate then adding a divider requesting they finish the block before being able to move one. This temporarily fixed the issue and is how I've been doing it for a long time to prevent the users from fast forwarding through all the audio content. Which ideally is going well because now all they do is hit play and watch/listen to the trainings, but it isn't fancy and Storyline (in my opinion) took a bit to train myself to. THEN my computer decided to quit, now the new one with a new Windows 10 version is not supporting the easy Power point import feature so each slide has to be added individually. Our tech guy was on the line for 3 hours with support trying to figure this out. They stating they will make note of to change in their roadmap. I know everything has to have a plan, but I told him it will be years before that gets on the list as we have all BEGGED through several posts to PLEASE ADD this feature of preventing/locking users from fast forwarding through audio content.. Add it, move to the top of the list, and understand the sheer importance of this small request!

Lindsay White

+500 to this request ....again....and again! :-) When I got the notification email. The first reaction (before opening and reading) was YAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSS! They fixed it....much to my disappointment when I seen it was just yet again another request to a long 3 year request line. I'm begging you Articulate please! :-)