Rise Video Poster Frame

Oct 19, 2017

Request/idea for future release: could you enable the addition of a poster frame to videos in Rise? It would add a level of polish to the videos. I know that I can add images manually to the beginning of the video files, but it's a clunky process. 

31 Replies
Andrew Smith

Hi- it's been 5 years now since this was first requested and it's something that's available on so many other (cheaper) systems- the manual video editing that's been required by Rise users over this time represents many thousands of hours of our time that could have been spent on creative work rather than needless workarounds. Please add it soon!

Jim DeRosa

Why is such a simple and commonplace feature neglected for such a long time by Articulate? FYI, the videos I'm using are created by STORYLINE. So, using an entirely Articulate solution, I still have to manually open the videos in a separate tool to add a single frame to the beginning.

Please add this to the roadmap instead of spending time on the AI bandwagon.