We want to hear from you! Articulate is exploring ways to improve interactivity in Rise 360.

Feb 21, 2024

The Rise 360 product team is currently developing a plan to build new interactivity features. But we need your insights and perspectives to ensure that we're crafting the best Rise 360 experience for our customers. That's why we're launching a new research study!

What will the study entail?

  • You'll provide your feedback on an early prototype that contains the new interactivity features we're exploring.
  • We have room for just one participant per session. This ensures that every participant has ample opportunity to share their unique insights and experiences.
  • The session will take approximately 45 minutes.
  • Participation is completely voluntary and all information provided will be kept confidential. Your responses will only be used for research purposes and won't be shared with any third parties.

If you're interested in participating please sign up here. If you’re selected to participate, we'll send a follow up email to schedule a time with you.

Thank you for considering this invitation. Your contribution to our research efforts is greatly appreciated, and we look forward to hearing from you soon!

Best regards,

Takashi Kuwahara

Sr UX Researcher II, Articulate

17 Replies
ulna operating
Takashi Kuwahara

Thank you all!  It looks like we've gotten quite a few sign ups.  Apologies if you haven't heard back from us yet.  While we can't promise that we will be reaching out to each of you, if you'd still like to be on our list of potential participants please feel free to sign up.  Once our research study cadence picks up again we may be reaching back out.  Thank you so much.  

Rebecca Roehm

Rise needs some major basic improvements. It is so frustrating to see them working on "improvements' yet they can't even get basics fixed.

Just a few off the top of my head:

  • It took over 8 years to get FOLDERS for Rise courses.
  • We still have to click teeny tiny arrows to move blocks up and down individually
  • There is no way to set text styles at a course level. If I change the color of a subheading or size of the body text in a block then I have to go back to EACH AND EVERY block to make the change. 

I seriously question the decision making process for choosing which updates to move forward. 

Darren McNeill

I have been asking for 360 image tour slides to have more features and functionalities for a long time but there does not seem to be much activity on the 360 image feature updating. The simple request to allow us to use custom hotspots surely has to be a basic function? I create 360 tours as a hobby for over 15 years and I design and create animated hotspots and skin elements so  I have thousands of icons etc and I would like to be able to utilize them in 360 images in Storyline to be more aligned to our companies branding. Currently there is no way to edit the icon hover state colors and limited to either the 30 default or only those in the Content Library so it is very restrictive

Shelley Parker

Is there a different way that we can register to participate? My company, who has multiple business units using Rise, has Google Docs blocked as a site and so we can't sign up without requesting an exception which only run for a month or 3. It sounds like it can take awhile to hear back on our requests. Could you send me a registration form via email?