Forum Discussion

Will_Findlay's avatar
Community Member
4 months ago

Ability to hide AI Assitant section of Storyline Toolbar

Now that my trial is up, the AI Assistant section of the toolbar is taking up space on the toolbar. Can we have an option to turn this off? Without having this feature, this is just visual clutter.

  • Enter a support request, state that you will not be using the AI features and you would like them completely removed from the toolbar because they are interfering with your workflow. They may come back with some statement on how to disable them from your dashboard, but just reiterate your request.

  • Hi Will_Findlay,

    Thanks for reaching out!

    The account owner can email at any time to request that Articulate AI be disabled for their subscription or free trial.

    Please note requesting to disable the AI services is different than disabling AI on the Articulate dashboard.  When you disable Articulate AI on the Articulate 360 dashboard, AI Assistant tools still display in Rise 360 and Storyline 360 but aren’t functional. When Articulate AI services are disabled via a request, Articulate AI features and functionality are removed from Rise 360 and Storyline 360.

    If you have any questions, please let me know here or privately in a support case. We'll be happy to help!

    • BillVernola's avatar
      Community Member


      I'm not understanding your response. If your trial ran out on the AI features and you don't plan on upgrading to those features, you can't remove the buttons cluttering up your screen. Am I understanding this correctly?

  • Just keeping this thread alive because this still hasn't been addressed. Not only is there no way to disable/hide/move the AI Assistant related features in the toolbar, but they take up the 2nd and 3rd positions on the "Home" and "Insert" tabs respectively. That is some mighty important positioning for a feature that I don't even have access to. I'll regularly click on the Insert Text, Insert Image, Insert Audio, etc. because even on their "Insert" tab those options are furthest to the right on the toolbar (the actual "insert" options are in the 4th and 5th positions down on the toolbar). 

    Most software will set the order of toolbars based on highest priority/usage from right to left. But not Articulate, they set the priority even when you can't use the features. 

    • Nathan_Hilliard's avatar
      Community Member

      As mentioned above, you can contact Articulate support and request the AI features, including the toolbar entries, be removed entirely from your SL subscription. This will put your toolbar back as it was. I made the request a couple of months ago, and it was addressed within a couple of days.

      • DevonTrujillo's avatar
        Community Member

        I get what you're saying there Nathan, and I'm glad it worked for you. I think the solution you navigated absolutely reinforces the need for an in-app solution. If that is the best solution they can provide then that is some abysmal user experience planning and only reinforces the need to give a better option, and why this discussion is taking place in the "Suggest Ideas" corner. 

        Even then, putting that aside, I work for a large company with multiple subscriptions and I doubt I have any ability to make edits to our company subscription.

    • DerekAnderson-1's avatar
      Community Member

      Here to upvote this! I'd love to be able to hide these features in my toolbar as it's definitely snagged up my productivity while working in Storyline. 

      The company I work for is large and they aren't sure if they're going for the add-on (as it would have to be for every user), but the AI demo has run its course and we'd love to be able to hide those buttons in the meantime. It'd be a huge user experience upgrade to be able to adjust ribbon buttons in preferences. Please add a toggle or customize option for users to streamline their experience!

      • KellyAuner's avatar

        Hi, everyone!

        As Nathan_Hilliard shared, Articulate AI features and functionality are removed from Rise 360 and Storyline 360 when disabled via a request. When you disable Articulate AI on the Articulate 360 dashboard, AI Assistant tools still display in Rise 360 and Storyline 360 but aren’t functional. I appreciate you sharing your feedback on this, and, can see how the option to remove these features directly from your dashboard would be convenient. I've shared your comments with our developers so we'll update you with any news! 

    • BillVernola's avatar
      Community Member

      Totally agree. I have used hundreds of programs over many years and this one is the least customizable I have ever come across. Some of the issues cited in the E-Learning heroes have been around for years. It's frustrating when prices keep going up (our pricing is going up $500 per license for the next billing cycle and 11% increase) Frustrating!!😠

  • What version can I revert back to in order to not see this widget? I am not the company admin and this is very distracting to have so much of the toolbar consumed by a feature I'm not going to use. 

  • AnaWood-2187's avatar
    Community Member

    It would be great to have the option to hide the AI Assistant section of the Storyline toolbar, especially once the trial period is over. The ability to disable this feature would help reduce visual clutter and make the toolbar more streamlined for users who no longer need it. Hopefully, this functionality can be added in future updates!