
Video Tutorials

Rise 360: Add Text and Media

In Rise 360, blocks are form-based templates, so adding content is as easy as plugging text and media into placeholders.

Depending on the blocks you selected, you simply fill out forms with text, images, narration, videos, and embedded web content. Here are tips for working with each type of content. 

Author Avatars

You can edit the title and show or hide the author.

Under the title, you can hide the author of the content you're editing by clicking the author avatar and selecting Hide Author. If there are multiple authors, you can select which author attribution to display.

To hide all author avatars for all a deliverable, select the appropriate option in the Theme > Lesson Headers menu.


Type your text in the web interface or copy text from external sources and paste it into Rise 360.

In most blocks, you can add and edit text in the body of the main window. In some cases, you can use the sidebar—for example, add marker text in the sidebar for labeled graphic blocks.

Format text by selecting it and choosing formatting options on the floating toolbar that appears. Or, use the keyboard shortcuts below.




Select all
















Decrease indent


Increase indent


When you paste text, Rise 360 retains the source formatting. To paste your text without formatting, use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+V. You can also restore the default Rise 360 formatting to pasted text by selecting it and clicking the Reset icon.

Pro Tip: The default text size for non-heading content is 17pt.  

Quickly Insert Tables and Lists

Available in the sidebar and main window of most blocks that support text, quick insert lets you add tables and lists to blocks with a single click. 

On a blank line, click Quick Insert (+). Select Insert TableUnordered List, or Ordered List from the row of icons.


Depending on the block type you’re using, click the camera icon or the Add Images button. Sometimes it’s in the main window; sometimes it’s in the sidebar. 

Upload images from your computer or search photos and illustrations from 14+ million assets in Content Library 360.

Rise 360 compresses your uploaded images with virtually no loss of quality. Use high-quality images in your courses and let Rise 360 optimize them for web distribution.

After adding an image, click Edit to remove it, replace it, or add alternate text for screen readers.

Create Images from Scratch with AI Assistant

Turn your ideas into high-quality images! With AI Assistant, you can create images from scratch in no time! Learn how to use AI Assistant to level up your course authoring game.


In labeled graphic, process, and timeline blocks, click the Record Audio microphone icon, then click either Start Recording or Upload a file.

You can also add a multimedia audio block on its own. Click Edit to open the sidebar. Choose either Upload or Start Recording.

The maximum file size for each audio file you upload to Rise 360 is 5 GB.

After adding audio, click Edit to remove or replace it.

Mac Users: Safari must be updated to the latest version for audio recording support. Alternately, use Google Chrome or Firefox when you need to record narration in Rise 360.


In blocks that support videos, click the camera icon and choose Upload media. Sometimes the camera icon is in the main window; sometimes it’s in the sidebar.

We recommend using high-quality videos with a 16:9 aspect ratio for the best results. Rise 360 compresses videos so they have smaller file sizes for web distribution while maintaining high quality.

The maximum file size for each video you upload to Rise 360 is 5 GB.

After adding a video, click Edit to remove or replace it.

Tip: You can also import screencasts you create with Replay 360 and Peek 360.

Web Content

In blocks that support embedded media, click the camera icon and choose Embed from web. Sometimes the camera icon is in the main window; sometimes it’s in the sidebar.

Just paste the URL or embed code for the web content you want to use—for example, a YouTube video or an interactive graphic. You can even use parameters for embedded YouTube and Vimeo videos. 

Note: Videos in embedded web content don't pause when the learner switches to another tab or scrolls away from the content. To enable auto-pause, you must upload the video as a file, as detailed in the previous section.

We use Embedly to embed rich media in Rise 360 courses, which means you can use videos, images, documents, and other media from over 400 content providers, such as YouTube, Vimeo, Instagram, and Scribd. See the complete list of supported content providers here.

If there’s an error or your web content doesn’t display, see these articles for tips:

Updated 14 days ago
Version 4.0