
Video Tutorials

Storyline 360: Using Team Slides for Collaboration

Make collaboration easy for your team. Create a library of shared team slides that everyone can access right from Storyline 360. Upload branded project templates, share slides that need to be in every course, and give teammates access to reusable slide content.

In this user guide, you’ll learn how to share and manage team slides and insert them into Storyline courses.

Team slides are exclusively available to Articulate 360 Teams. Not a teams subscriber? Contact an Articulate 360 sales representative to learn more.

Note: Team slides aren’t meant for storing all your Storyline projects. Explore our cloud backup feature to safely back up your courses.

Sharing Slides with Your Team

Here’s how to share slides with your team and update them as needed.

  1. Open a Storyline project and choose the slides you want to share or update.
    • If you’re sharing the entire project file, you don’t need to select anything.
    • To share a scene, select it in Story View or open it in Slide View.
    • To share specific slides, Ctrl+click or Shift+click the ones you want to share.
  2. Go to the Slides tab on the Storyline ribbon, click the Team Slides drop-down arrow, and choose one of these options:
    • Share Project
    • Share This Scene
    • Share Selected Slide(s)
  3. When the Add Team Slides dialog appears, choose to Create a new project or Replace an existing project.

    You can only replace slides that you shared. You can’t replace slides shared by other team members. Learn more about permissions.
  4. When you create a new project, you can upload it to a specific folder. Just select one from the Folder list. If you want to create a new folder that’s not in the list, type a name in the Folder field. If you don’t select a folder, your project will appear in the All Projects container in the team slides browser, and you can move it to a folder later.

    When you replace an existing project, you can’t select a folder. The project simply remains in its current folder.
  5. Click Add to complete the process.

Managing Team Slides

Use the team slides browser to manage your shared slides, including organizing projects in folders, renaming and deleting projects and folders, and restoring deleted projects.

To open the team slides browser, go to the Slides tab on the Storyline ribbon and click the top half of the Team Slides button. See the following table for details on managing team slides.

Creating Folders:

Click the folder icon in the lower left corner of the Team Slides browser, then enter a name for the new folder.

The folder list will automatically refresh to insert your new folder in the correct alphabetical order.

Organizing Projects in Folders:

Use the View drop-down list at the top of the window to switch to Projects view, then simply drag and drop projects onto folders.

You can’t move individual slides from a project to different folders. The entire project will move all at once.

Renaming Folders:

There are two ways to rename a folder:

  • Right-click the folder and choose Rename.
  • Hover over the folder, click the vertical dots that appear, and choose Rename.

Then type a new name and press Enter on your keyboard.

Deleting Folders:

You can delete a folder if it’s empty or if you created all the projects in it. (If you need to delete a folder that contains other team members’ projects, move the projects to another location, then delete the folder.)

There are three ways to delete a folder:

  • Select the folder and press Delete on your keyboard.
  • Right-click the folder and choose Delete.
  • Hover over the folder, click the vertical dots that appear, and choose Delete.

When you delete a folder, all the projects in it get moved to the Deleted Items container at the bottom of the folders list.

Renaming Projects:

Use the View drop-down list at the top of the window to switch to Projects view, then do either of the following:

  • Right-click the project and choose Rename.
  • Hover over the project, click the vertical dots that appear, and choose Rename.

Then type a new name and press Enter on your keyboard.

Deleting Projects:

You can only delete projects you created. (If you're an admin with a user seat, you can delete any project.)

Use the View drop-down list at the top of the window to switch to Projects view, then do any of the following:

  • Select the project and press Delete on your keyboard.
  • Drag and drop the project onto the Deleted Items container.
  • Right-click the project and choose Delete.
  • Hover over the project, click the vertical dots that appear, and choose Delete.

When you delete a project, it moves to the Deleted Items container at the bottom of the folders list.

To delete a project from Deleted Items, do any of the following:

  • Select the project and press Delete on your keyboard.
  • Right-click the project and choose Permanently delete.
  • Hover over the project, click the vertical dots that appear, and choose Permanently delete.

To permanently delete all your projects from Deleted Items at the same time, right-click the container and choose Empty. (You only have access to your deleted projects, so emptying the container won’t delete other team members’ projects.)

Restoring Deleted Projects:

You can only restore your own deleted projects. (If you're an admin with a user seat, you can restore any project.)

Click Deleted Items at the bottom of the folders list, then do any of the following:

  • Drag and drop a deleted project onto a folder.
  • Right-click a project and choose Restore to <folder name>.
  • Hover over a project, click the vertical dots that appear, and choose Restore to <folder name>.


Understanding Team Slides Permissions

All team members can do some tasks while only the original content owner can do others. And admins who have been assigned to a user seat can manage projects for the whole team. Here’s the breakdown of tasks and permissions.


All Users

Content Owners


Share slides with the team

x x x

Create folders in the team slides browser

x x x

Move projects to different folders

x x x

Rename folders and projects

x x x

Delete empty folders

x x x

Delete a folder that contains only projects you created

  x x

Delete any folder


Replace a project that you created with updated slides

  x x

Delete a project that you created

  x x

Delete any project


Restore a project that you deleted

  x x

Restore any project



Pro Tip: When users are removed from the team, their shared slides remain available for the team to browse, download, rename, and organize in folders. Admins with a user seat can also delete and restore them as needed.

Browsing Team Slides and Inserting Them into Courses

Opening the Team Slides Browser:

To start a brand new Storyline project from the team slides browser, just launch Storyline and click Team Slides on the start screen. Your new project will inherit the content, slide size, and player settings from the team slides you choose (see below).

To import team slides into an existing Storyline project, go to the Slides tab on the ribbon, and click the top half of the Team Slides button to launch the team slides browser.

Browsing Team Slides:

Use the following image and numbered list to learn about each feature of the team slides browser.

Click the image above to see a larger version.






Search Field

Quickly find projects and slides by entering a title or author in the search field. The results will automatically refresh as you type.


View Selector

Switch between project view and slide view.

Project view is the default. It displays a thumbnail image of the first slide in each project along with the title and number of slides included.

Slide view is split into sections. Each section represents a project, and a thumbnail image for each slide in the project is displayed. If you only need to insert some of the slides from a project, switch to slide view so you can select just the ones you need.

Tip: When you create a new course by clicking Team Slides on the Storyline start screen, you won’t see the View selector. You can only browse team slides in project view.


Sort Order

Change the sort order of projects. The default order shows the newest projects first, the oldest last. You can switch to alphabetical order or show the projects you most recently used.



Organize projects in folders. The left side of the browser lists (in alphabetical order) all the folders your team has created.

At the beginning of your subscription, your team won’t have any folders. You’ll just see containers for All Projects and Deleted Items. But all team members can add folders by clicking the folder icon in the lower left corner.

See above to learn all about managing folders and projects for your team.


Projects and Slides

Browse your team’s projects and slides. Thumbnail images represent projects or slides, depending on the current view.

Zoom the thumbnails in and out using the zoom slider in the lower left corner or by holding down Ctrl on your keyboard as you scroll your mouse wheel.


Details Pane

Find details for the selected project or slide on the right side of the browser.

In project view, you’ll see the project title, its author, when it was last updated, the number of slides it has, and its slide dimensions. If you’re in the All Projects list, the details pane will also display the folder in which the project is located (if applicable), and you can click the folder name to jump directly to that folder.

In slide view, you’ll see the slide title, its author, when it was last updated, and its dimensions.


Insert Slides Button

Insert the selected project or slides into your Storyline course by clicking the Insert Slides button in the lower right corner.


Inserting Team Slides into a Storyline Course:

When you find the team slides you want to use in your Storyline course, select them and click the Insert Slides button in the lower right corner of the browser.

In project view, you can only select one project at a time, but all the slides in the project get inserted into your course.

In slide view, you can select as many slides as you want. Just hold down the Ctrl key or Shift key as you click slide thumbnails.

Updated 5 months ago
Version 7.0