Video Tutorials
Quizmaker 360: Adding Transitions to Slides and Feedback Layers
Quizmaker 360 has a library of transitions to give your slides and feedback layers a professional touch. When used strategically, transitions can convey a sense of movement, pace, and direction.
Adding Transitions
- In Slide View, select the base layer or a feedback layer in the Feedback Layers panel.
- Go to the Transitions tab on the Quizmaker ribbon and choose a transition from the gallery.
Note: Push and Uncover transitions aren’t available for feedback layers. - You can choose the direction of most transitions. Select your choice from the Effect Options drop-down.
- Adjust the speed of your transition by entering a time (in seconds) in the Duration field.
- To use the same transition elsewhere, click Apply to All.
If you're on the base layer of a slide, it'll apply the same transition to the base layer of all other slides in your quiz, including slide masters.
If you're on a feedback layer, it'll apply the same transition to all other feedback layers for the current slide. (You can apply different transitions to different layers on the same slide, if you'd prefer.)
- You can also apply transitions to slide masters and feedback masters.
- Some transitions don't work when viewing HTML5 output in Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge.
Published 9 years ago
Version 1.0