At a glance, see how many active learners have logged into your Reach 360 account. The Active Learner Usage tab lists the number of active learners for your account on a month-by-month basis for the past twelve months. 

What is an active learner?

Reach 360 is tailored to your needs with flexible pricing based on your number of active learners. Each unique learner with training activity in a 30-day period after your annual term starts counts as an active learner, with the additional days included in the final period. That means a learner becomes an active learner only when they begin the first lesson of a course or take a microlearning. Viewing a course or learning path summary without starting the training doesn't count as a training activity. They don't have to complete the training to be counted as an active learner.

The current active learner count for your subscription is available on your Teams dashboard.

At the top of the report, you can select from multiple billing periods (if available), filter by group, and check at a glance how many learners have been active in your account in relation to your total number of annual seats. 

Each report entry lists the number of active learner seats used for the period and a cumulative total of all seats used for the year. 

Note: Unlike activity reports, this report does log activity under a 10-second duration.