Thumbnail selection in Rise videos

Jan 10, 2018

Hi there, I have loaded an MP4 video into one of my Rise courses. The thumbnail Rise has generated isn't great (my video subject looks half asleep), but I am not sure how to change it. I noticed on another thread a suggestion to add an image as the first frame instead of starting with video. Would this be a work around I could use in this situation?

44 Replies
Levon Trettin
Levon Trettin

I also responded to you over there.

Regarding to your Message here. What is with the obvious solution?

Add the Thumbnail function!

Technically your OG Rise Videos show that this is possible! And if this is not possible - Is there any credible reason for this? I really just want to understand the reason behind why you guys deprioritize this need for almost 6 years now!

Jose Tansengco

Hi Lara,

We're still working on adding this feature to Rise 360 and notify everyone here as soon as it makes it to our product roadmap.

In the meantime, Rise 360 will display the first frame of an MP4 video as the thumbnail. You can use a video editing tool like Replay 360 to add an image to the first frame of the video, then re-publish the video as an MP4 file.