Blog Post


Rise 360: Unsolved Mystery - The Case of Amelia Earhart

TrinaRimmer's avatar
Former Staff
8 years ago

Love a good mystery? So do I. With Rise 360 I was able to quickly create this fun demo—an engrossing interactive exploration of Amelia Earhart's life, her accomplishments, and her shocking disappearance.

See this project in action.

Dig into the evidence and decide for yourself: which theory of her disappearance seems most likely to you?

Published 8 years ago
Version 1.0
    • TrinaRimmer's avatar
      Former Staff
      Thanks, Chip! I had a lot of fun researching this topic. Amelia is such a fascinating person.
    • TrinaRimmer's avatar
      Former Staff
      Hi Marie. Glad to hear you enjoyed my project! I built this in Rise—our web-based authoring tool for creating responsive e-learning. I just customized the pre-built layouts with my own colors, fonts, and images. You can learn more about Rise and how it works here:
  • Trina, beautiful course. How did you get on the home page a slideshow with pictures? Where is the setting for that? Thank you.
    • TrinaRimmer's avatar
      Former Staff
      Hi Chaeney. Thanks for the nice compliment. To create that sideshow effect, I actually used to turn the first few frames of a YouTube video into an animated .gif. Then I just inserted that animated .gif as my header image under the Settings option in Rise.
  • SydBoston's avatar
    Community Member
    Hey Trina this is really cool - I like the mix of mystery and interaction with it! Well done!
    • TrinaRimmer's avatar
      Former Staff
      Thanks, Syd! I'm glad you enjoyed taking it as much as I enjoyed making it. 😀