Cutting causes flickers

Oct 01, 2021

In REPLAY, I am doing simple "cut" edits to shorten the recording.  However, upon playback, when the playhead rolls over the cut portion, the picture flickers.  Is there a way to keep this from happening?

I am saving to C: drive and using the most updated version. You won't see the problem in the attachment, as I have resorted to cutting, splitting, and overlapping to correct for this.


3 Replies
Ren Gomez

Hi Dakota,

Thanks for letting us know what you're experiencing! I haven't seen any related issues or discussions with flickering when cutting clips in Replay 360.

It could be due to the still nature of the video where the transition looks more apparent, but if you're able to share the original file with our support team, they could take a closer look and offer suggestions!