Articulate Storyline 360 crashing Problem

Mar 23, 2022

Hi All,

I am facing alot of crashing problem in Articulate storyline 360, I am using v3.61.27106.0 version of storyline. It is for every file not for any particular file.

could anyone please help?


14 Replies
Joe Hauglie

Yogesh - I'm having the same issue, and am working with Articulate Support on a resolution. There is apparently a known bug with some processors. According to the support team:

"We've identified an issue that causes performance issues in Storyline 360 for users who use Intel 11th Gen Core series processors or later. Our engineering team is already aware of this issue and are working on a fix, but I am currently unable to provide an ETA on when this will be released."

In a follow-up email, one workaround suggested was to use a dedicated graphics card:

"[Does] your computer have access to a dedicated graphics processor?

You can use a dedicated graphics processor such as Nvidia by forcing Storyline to use dedicated instead of integrated graphics. This may help address the issue if the option to switch is available for you." 

My own device does not have a dedicated graphics card, so I couldn't pursue that option, but I agree, the problem is extremely frustrating and happens so regularly that I can't seem to get much done without at least one crash.

Celeste Bramlett

I also would like a case opened also. I am having the same crash issues.  When it occurs it does not save the work. It's greatly affecting my work.  I recently upgraded to a new computer with a new processor: 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-1145G7 @ 2.60GHz 2.61 GHz 

Please attachments of error messages

Megan Bone


   I too am having the same crashing issue and it seems to be happening randomly.  Sometimes I will be importing assets from the media library and other times I will just be editing states on buttons but it tells me there is an error and then gives me a white slide with a red x through the slide.  Sometimes it will have a follow up message that my working memory is too low.  I am working on a new Surface Pro.  I am definitely saving my work much more often but, having to force it to quit the program and then restarting it is getting old fast.  Thanks for any help you can offer.

Andrea Koehntop

Hi Megan, and welcome to the E-Learning Heroes community! ✨

I apologize for the issues you are experiencing with Storyline crashing. I can imagine how frustrating that must be.

Are you saving and publishing your Storyline files locally when these errors occur? Working on a network drive can cause erratic behavior. 

Would you be willing to share one of the troublesome .story files with us to investigate further? We will delete it from our systems when troubleshooting is complete. 

Megan Bone


Thank you for getting back with me so quickly. I am working locally. I'm not sure I am allowed to share my work with those outside of our network. I'm pretty locked down security wise.


Megan Bone (she, her, hers)
Instructional Designer I
Education & Training
O: 816-783-8208
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Yogesh Dhingra

Dear Andrea,

I am working locally and because of security I am not allowed to share .story file outside my organization, restriction to upload any file on any community.

Even I am not getting any error message popup like Megan is receiving as secreenshot_11, Software is getting shutdown.


Shawn Lalla

Hello Everyone.

I just logged a support call with Articulate and I've been having constant issues with Storyline crashing on publishing and previewing. It's a glaring issue that Articulate has failed to give urgency into the matter. It seems crashing occurrences in Storyline is common and is due to a range of different issues. I've been through the entire forum's recommendations and none resolved the issue. 

After trial and error for about two weeks, it seems that I may have found what was causing Storyline to crash on publish and preview. Most of the time Storyline will crash when it attempts to write data relating to the Player. It freezes at exactly this point "Writing Player" and then it subsequently crashes.

Follow these steps to resolve the issue: (You may need to repeat steps 3 and 5 each time you attempt to publish or preview.)

1. Navigate to your C:/ drive. Select the "View" menu option and enable "Hidden items".

2. Navigate further to Users -> AppData -> Roaming -> Articulate -> Storyline

3. Delete all "TMP" files from the "Storyline" folder.

4. Navigate further to 360 -> Players.

5. Delete all files from the "Players" folder.

This should resolve the crashing issues when publishing or previewing. Good luck!