Forum Discussion

DaanGroen's avatar
Community Member
4 months ago

Audio pauze on start

Hi there, 

I have created a storyline project, which has music in the background. 

I've created a playlist with a song (insert -> audio) which will start the music when I start the slide. 

But, I want the user to be able to decide on the music or not. So I've created a setting (checkbox) with a variable, where the default is set to no sound. The user can check the checkbox and the audio will play. 

When the timeline starts, if the audio is set to false, the music will pause.

The problem is:

Sometimes, when I start the slide, I still hear one beat of the music. Might be a fraction of a second, but you can still hear something, before the timeline trigger pauses the music. Might be because of a loading delay. 

Is there a way to prevent this? Maybe disable the autoplay of the playlist?


  • Hi Daan,

    Here are some thoughts:

    • Try moving the music on the timeline to the right, farther in time, by about a half a scecond. This might be enough for the slide to load and pause without the first beat and not play for those who don't want to hear it, and not enough of a delay to bother those who do want to hear it.
    • Have you also tried "Stop Media" with a trigger if your variable indicates someone does not want to hear the music?

    Kendal Rasnake