Automatic Focus Order

Aug 11, 2021

I wonder if someone can help me understand the choice for the default for Focus Order.  It seems to go in this general format:

Last layer items

Middle layer items

First layer items

Base layer

16 Replies
Leslie McKerchie

Hi Rachael,

Thanks for sharing your curiosity with us. I'd be happy to dive into this topic with you.

You've provided a great scenario that I'll use to explain working with Slide Layers as well.

You begin with a Base Layer Slide, and then the other slide layers stack on top. I've created a single slide with a base layer, first layer, middle layer, and last layer to demonstrate what you mentioned above. As you can see, when on the last layer, all items that it's stacked on top of can be seen if you choose as well.

I'm on the last layer item in this image, and it's layered on top of all the others. So, the focus order displays this way by default as well:

Let me know if that helps in understanding or if you're running into difficulty with something so we can further assist.

Rachael Lundin

Thank you for the reply.  You describe exactly what I was talking about.  The purpose of me asking it has to do with Screen Readers.  I have to manually adjust the default order every time because it just doesn't flow logically otherwise.  Let me see if I can explain.  Visualize with me, if you will:

Base layer:

  • Welcome message
  • Button to show layer one
  • Button to show layer two

Layer one:

  • Some information on topic one
  • Button to show more information on topic one (opens layer 3)

Layer two:

  • Some information on topic two
  • Button to show more information on topic two (opens layer 4)


Best focus order for screen reader that I've found:

Base layer Welcome

Base layer button to show layer one

Layer one Some info on topic one

Layer one Button to show more information on topic one 

Layer three more information on topic one

Base layer button to show layer two

Layer two some information on topic two

Layer two button to show more information on topic two

Layer four more information on topic two


The Default Focus Order:  

Layer four more information on topic two

layer three more information on topic one

layer two some information on topic two

layer two button to show more information on topic two

layer one some information on topic one

layer one button to show more information on topic on

base layer welcome message

base layer button to show layer one

base layer button to show layer two

I was just wondering if there was a deliberate logic choice for the default Focus Order.  


Lauren Connelly

Hi Rachael!

Thank you for reattaching the link! I see how the items on the layers can't be navigated to following the order you've created in the Focus Order. Would you mind if I took a look at your project to play around with the Focus Order? You can either attach it to this public discussion or upload it privately in a support case.

Lauren Connelly

Hello Sarah!

Our Support  Engineers are still working with Rachael in a support case. To answer your question about adjusting the Focus Order when working with layers, you'll want to begin with a Base Layer Slide, and then the other slide layers stack on top. For example, objects on the last layer should be displayed first, then the second layer content, the first layer content, and the base layer.

Here's a screenshot.

Rachael Lundin

Hi again :)

I actually disagree with Lauren.  The default order is not in my opinion best practice if you are attempting to create a training accessible for users who use a screen reader or are limited to only using their keyboard.  If the base layer is on the bottom, with the other layers stacked on top, the user who accesses the training through the keyboard only has to tab through all the base layer, then either select "back to top" or "exit navigation" or go through all the player controls before they can get to any of the layers.  Here are two shortish videos to demonstrate.  One is default order.  The other is what I've found to work best (in my opinion) for  a screen reader.  


Best Practice?: 

Amy Keating

I experience the same issue as Rachael the author.  I am always having to do a custom reorder of the slides because a screen reader should not start on sub-layers. It should start on the base layer.  A prime example of how the default that is shown can be seen here on an Assessment question.  Why would we want a screen reader to read incorrect feedback first, then correct feed back second, then the question third and then all the choices last?  Picture someone with visual issues.  The screen reader gets them through the assessment.  It needs to start with the question, not the feedback. This is very frustrating to have to fix the focus order on every slide you build.  This default makes no sense to me.  I have added an image. When will Articulate upgrade this so that at least the base layer is the FIRST in line for the defaulted focus order? 

Kelly Auner

Hi Amy,

Thanks so much for reaching out! 

I appreciate you taking the time to share what you would like to see in Storyline 360. I understand that it can be frustrating and time-consuming to use a custom focus order on each slide. Your honest feedback will be helpful to share with our development team, and we’ll be sure to update this discussion if this feature makes it on our feature roadmap.