Does deprecating the 'unload' event in Chrome will impact our SCORM trainings build with Storyline or Rise?

Oct 27, 2023

Google has announced deprecating the 'unload' event in Chrome. Are our SCORM trainings concerned about this news, will this impact on our SCORM trainings published with Storyline and Rise?, because Success Factor will end the support on November.

Deprecating the unload event - Chrome for Developers

Support for Browser Unload Event in Chrome Is Deleted | SAP Help Portal

5 Replies
Math Notermans

In the first article there is a mention of enable a flag to test this in Chrome 117.
" The developer trial of the deprecation is available from Chrome 117 with the chrome://flags/#deprecate-unload flag. Enabling this flag make the default to deny access to unload handlers for all pages."

So using that you can test it.

Chen Jane

Our clients have also raised this issue, so we are also interested in knowing the impact of “Google has announced deprecating the ‘unload’ event in Chrome”. We are wondering if there will be any loss of learning records or any errors in the courses previously published with Storyline3, Storyline 360, Rise, and Studio.

Maria Panteli

I've inquired with Articulate and below is their response: 

Hi Maria,

Thanks for contacting Articulate Support!

I understand the concern about Google's announcement regarding the deprecation of the unload event.

Rise 360 and Storyline 360 courses should not be affected for now.

We mainly use the "Commit Strategy" in Rise 360 and save important data to the LMS as soon as it's available, as we never trusted the "unload" event to begin with.

In Storyline 360, we mainly listened to the unload event for AICC in the aicccomm.html file, but it's paired with a beforeunload event which should continue to work.

I hope this answers your question. Please let me know if you need anything else.

John Carlo Sipagan
Customer Support Engineer
Articulate Support