Drag & Drop choices overlapping on 2nd attempt

May 27, 2021

Hello: I have a matching drag & drop ( choice & match) set up with 4 choices and 2 tries. After the first try a 1 is assigned to a variable and the original slide is reloaded so that all of the matching boxes return to their original position. The revisiting default for this slide is set to "Reset to initial state" so that everything snaps back to its original position.  This is where the problem occurs.  When the student attempts to move one of the match boxes on the 2nd attempt, the other match boxes on the slide begin to overlap one another on the screen.  I think this is a glitch in storyline. The only way I have found to get around this problem is to set the default setting for this slide to "Automatically Decide" but if I do that then the boxes don't reset to their original position on the 2nd attempt. Hopefully there is a fix but I'm thinking this is a bug in storyline.

3 Replies
John Morgan

Hi Math Thynker,

I was able to reproduce an issue that sounds similar to yours. Would you be able to tell me if this is the issue you are seeing? I included a video below.


If this isn't the issue, would you be able to add a video showing what you are experiencing?

Thanks for reaching out!