New in Storyline 360: Course Cover Photos

Sep 28, 2021

Who doesn’t love making a good first impression? And when it comes to learning, setting a tone that grabs your learners’ attention right from the start is crucial. After all, you want learners feeling inspired, curious, and eager to dig into your course. That’s why we’re super excited to share the new course cover photo feature in Storyline 360. 

If your course’s first slide includes media or if your learners are viewing it on a mobile device, this new feature lets you add an eye-catching image to the start page. That way learners will see your beautiful cover photo before they launch the course—whether it's as a published Storyline file or a project being shared in a Rise 360 course using the Storyline Block.

Here’s how it works: In the player properties window, check the Cover Photo box and click the + Photo link to browse for an image.

You have four different options to choose from.

  1. First slide: Choose this option if the first screen in your course is static and works well as an introduction.
  2. Media library: Select this option if you want to use an image that’s already in your course.
  3. Content Library 360: If you want to use a brand-new photo or illustration, browse the huge library of images included with your Articulate 360 subscription.
  4. Image from file: If you’ve created a custom image, just upload the file from your computer.

Once you’ve chosen the perfect course cover photo, just click the image file link to refresh the preview screen. This GIF shows how that works.



And that’s it! When learners launch the course, they’ll see the new image you selected. We hope you’ll love adding your own eye-catching course cover photos in Storyline 360.

A smartphone with a Storyline 360 course open on it. The first slide of the course shows as the cover photo and a play button is displayed on top of it.


Want to know what other new Storyline 360 features have launched lately? Check out our What’s New page. And if you want to try out this feature for yourself but don’t have Articulate 360, start a free 60-day trial.


37 Replies
Russ Lickteig

This is a great feature!  Wish it was also available in the Classic Player.  Can you confirm here that alt text for this new Cover Photo could be added to the "#158 - Screen Readers: Start course button on desktop computers" in the Text Labels?  Sure seems like this would work.  We are required by our client to have a screen with these default Play buttons ( In Storyline or Captivate courses ).  Adding it here would be great and would avoid Post editing of CSS and HTML files like we have to do with Captivate.  

Russ Lickteig

Our "Cover Photo" is more of a graphic with instructional text.  In Captivate you can actually replace the Button graphic so we design a new "Button" with the instructional text as part of the graphic and this is why we need to change the Alt text.  In SL it looks like the button itself can't be changed but since we can change the Graphic/photo below it we will design a graphic with the text and open space for the SL button to lay over top.  

Russ Lickteig

@John Say: Can you take it a step further and allow us to also upload a new button to launch the course?  To be clear I am talking about the button/circle arrow that appears over the Cover Photo that SL now allows us to add.  This would literally give us full design control of our courses.   As I mentioned in an earlier post this can be done in Captivate but it has to be done after publishing by replacing the image in the HTML folder.  MUCH more work.

Nina Sletten Tang Thomsen

Hi there,
Great to get a front cover instead of the black screen.
When I integrate Storyline into Rise, it doesn't look seamless - I have seen it look better in a video somewhere.
How do I get rid of the black "padding" to make it more seamless?
Does it simply have to do with course size, or is there a player setting that can remove the black padding or borders?

Nina Sletten Tang Thomsen

This is what it looks like in Rise - depending on window size. The background colour just explodes, it's aweful. I have tried to remove player, I have tried to change colours etc - nothing works. Why is there a black background colour? Its automatic in Storyline, so I'm not able to remove it?

caroline brusselmans


I have noticed that when I publish a Storyline course into Articulate 360 there no show of the cover image that I have selected for the SL course. The image s not seen on my course

The published SL in articulate that starts automatically from the first slide, not showing the cover image

Many thanks for tips. Caroline


Jose Tansengco

Hi Caroline, 

The cover image will only appear if your course has a media file in the very first slide, requiring an initial interaction from the learner before the course starts playing. Please keep this in mind when designing your course. Here's a different version of your course test course with a video file placed in the very first slide. Notice the presence of the play button which only appeared after the video was added. 

Hope this helps!