Forum Discussion
Next button doesn't work after Previous button used
Hello everyone,
I've published several Storyline360 courses using SCORM 1.2, and I'm noticing a similar bug in many of my courses, though I can't figure out what's causing it.
When I go through my course straight through, everything functions properly. But then, if I use the Previous button to return to a previous slide, the next button doesn't return. See short screencast HERE.
Can anyone tell me what is causing this, and how to fix it?
- MariaCSStaff
Hi, Lance.
Thank you for sharing your screenshot with your triggers! If you can share the .story file here, I'm happy to take a look and test for you, but in the meantime, here's what I noticed:
- Your slide triggers are canceling each other. The first one has no conditions attached, so it's telling Storyline to disable the button as soon as the timeline starts. You also have two triggers that change it to Normal when the variable is False and when the variable is True.
- You are using layers, not slides, so the timeline will not re-start (causing the triggers mentioned above not to work as expected, even if the conditions are correctly set).
- The button's visited state is built-in, so you don't need to add a trigger to call it. As soon as the button is clicked, the visited state will be automatically triggered.
Let me know if this helps or if you'd like us to take a look at your project.
- LanceLynch-7ebbCommunity Member
Thank you again Becca and Maria. Maria, that was very helpful. I have also found that each interactive slide needs it's own variables with their own names. For example if you're using NextButton, the first slide would be NextButton, then the next interactive slide should be NextButton1, the next NextButton2, etc. otherwise only the first slide will behave how you want and not the subsequent slides. It's working famously now. Thank you so very much again for your time, i appreciate you!
You can create a T/F variable for each slide that tracks if the slide was viewed. Then on the trigger for the next button it would be something like:
Change state of next button to hidden when timeline of slide starts on condition that slide1var = F.
If the variable is T, then the next button wouldn't change states.
- TaraLaughlinCommunity Member
Thank you - that worked!! :)
*Tara E. Laughlin, Ed.D.*
Hello Mary!
Thank you for sharing your project! Here are 2 changes I've made:
- Added a variable called, Revisit, which is set to True when the user clicks the Previous button on the second slide.
- Added a trigger to change the state of the Next button when both Ovals are visited; if the Revisit variable is equal is False.
I was hoping you could take a look at the project and let me know what you think!
- MaryTCollins-ebCommunity Member
That worked! This is so useful to know, thank you so much!
- LanceLynch-7ebbCommunity Member
Hi Lauren! This is very helpful, as I have the same issue. Thank you for responding, however, I don't have a "revisited" option to choose from when I try to duplicate what you did. And I can't get a screen shot because the drop down menu vanishes when I try the snipping tool and my printscreen collects all 3 of my monitors, blurring the drop down menu. Also, Alt printscreen cuts off the dropdown box altogether. Under Project, my only option is "Completed" under built in, my only options are: "Player: accessible text", "Player: display captions" and "Player: zoom to fit". Do you happen to know how I can get all of the options that you have? Thank you for any help you can give.
- BeccaLevanCommunity Member
Welcome to E-Learning Heroes, Lance! ⭐️
I appreciate you walking me through what you see! It sounds like you're trying to replicate the Revisit variable Lauren created in her revised file into your project. Happy to help here!
You'll need to add a variable:
Let me know if this is what you had in mind! You can also share a Peek recording with us if needed 😊
Without seeing the triggers it looks like there's a trigger to hide the next button when slide starts and only becomes available after something happens (like all objects are visited). Check your triggers. If that's not the case in the trigger panel, check the master slide.
- TaraLaughlinCommunity Member
Hi Tom, thanks for the reply. I do have a trigger to hide the next button when the slide starts and to appear after the final object is visited. It's there in response to some client feedback on not wanting learners to just click-click-click through the pages.
Is that trigger what's causing this to happen? How can I make it so that once the learner has triggered the next button the first go-round, even if they go back to a page, the next button is just there from then on?
- MaryTCollins-ebCommunity Member
I'm having this same issue, and I can't find a solution that works. I've attached the problem slides here and I'm hoping someone can help! When I hit the next button on the first slide, then the previous button, the next button on slide 1 is permanently disabled. Thanks!
- LanceLynch-7ebbCommunity Member
Hi Becca! Thank you. That's very helpful. I have everything figured out only works for 1 slide. I have 5 interactive slides that are all button oriented. What I need is for the next button to be disabled until the user clicks all buttons and then become available afterward. Then on the next slide, the user needs to be able to click "previous" and not have to do any of the interactivity again, and have the next button be ready to advance once again whenever they're done doing whatever they wanted to do again on the interactive slide (or not). I have this figured out on one of my slides. It works perfectly with the triggers listed in the image below. I entered these exact triggers in the exact order and went over it over several days with a fine tooth comb to be certain they're identical and the other 4 behave differently. The next button isn't even disabled. I'm at my wits end with this one.
- ProvidenceKulfeCommunity Member
I am having similar issues to the above people but in Storyline 3. I have tried the above solutions with limited success. I think the issue is around the layers. I have lots of slides where when the previous button is pushed and it takes you back to slide with layers the next button then does not work. I tried added the variable but that causes the next button to not work at all. I think I am just missing something small but I can't figure it out. I have a large project with lots of scenes and it happening on all of them. I have attached one of the scenes here to see if anyone can see what I am doing wrong. I suspect I am a bit confused about how the variables work.
- MariaCSStaff
Hi, Stephanie.
Thank you for sharing your .story file!
I noticed a few of your slides were set to advance automatically:
Changing them to By user should work as expected.
I also suggest adding this trigger to the slides that disable the Next button when the timeline starts:
This will allow the user to move back into that slide and still access the Next button.
I hope this helps!
- ProvidenceKulfeCommunity Member
Thanks so much for your reply. It worked! I appreciate you taking the time to answer my question.