Reset the counter on several Drag and Drops in a row

Feb 07, 2022

Hi there,

I'm having a problem with resetting the "try again"-counter. In my training, there are 2 Drag and Drops in a Row. The number of attempts is 2 and I have one correct, false and try again layer. The variables are set correctly. When I preview only one DaD, everything works as it should. But when previewing the whole project, something strange happens. In case I use one attempt (my first choice is wrong on the first DaD), I am losing this attempt on the following DaD interaction. I don't know why, but when I move on to the next DaD, the counter of allowed attempts isn't set back to 2. It "remembers" the already "used" previous attempts. That means, when I used all attempts on the previous DaD, my first wrong answer on the next one leads directly to the "Wrong Layer" instead of the "Try again Layer". I triple checked all the settings and triggers and so on. But I can't find a solution. I am desperate. Has anybody an idea? Any help is appreciated. Thank you! Chris

7 Replies
Maria Costa-Stienstra

Hi, Christopher.

Thank you for reaching out!

Without seeing your file, my initial thought would be that this is related to the same variable being used in both interactions. 

Are you comfortable sharing the .story file so we can take a deeper look at what's happening? You're welcome to share it privately through a case instead.

Christopher Grunwald

Hi Maria,

thank you for your quick response. I am actually a total beginner and was "chosen" to build this training in my agency for a client. So apologies in case it doesn't look extremely professional :-) I could share it with you, but it's german. Is this a problem to fully identify which variables I used or didn't use?

Christopher Grunwald

What I tried out is to set a variable on the second DaD "set attempts to 0 when timeline starts (on the base layer). But now I have unlimited attempts in case my first answer is wrong. I guess, there is only one more variable missing, like setting the number of attempts to 0 when the timeline starts, but only once. So that the variable "adding the value of one" when the user clicks "try again" works. Right now I am in a loop: it is adding the value of one when I click "try again"; but the I get back to the base layer where the number of attempts is set back to 0. It is probably very simple to solve, but I don't get it :-)