Forum Discussion
Straight Lines
I find it extremely hard to create straight lines/arrows is there an easier way to do this?
i.e. holding shift like other programs does not work.
- PaulS-3b1b41f4-Community Member
Not sure what is happening but holding down the shift key to draw a straight line works like a charm for me in Storyline.
Hi Mike,
I'm not experiencing any problems drawing straight lines either. Could you tell us a bit more about what's happening?
If Storyline is behaving oddly you may want to conduct a repair to resolve any unusual behavior. Also, when creating, editing, and publishing Articulate Storyline courses, be sure you're working on your local hard drive (typically your C: drive). Working on a network drive or a USB drive can cause erratic behavior, such as file corruption, an inability to save changes, and loss of resources. See this article for more information.
If you need anything else please let us know!
- MikeGanciCommunity Member
I guess what I meant to say is after you draw a line, when moving it I am used to it snapping to a grid or only moving 45 degrees at a time, was just wondering if that was an option?
Many times the line is just off by a little and you can notice a slight angle on it.
- BrettRockwoodCommunity Member
I know what you mean. I've found it finicky using the pie shape where I want to have one of the inside lines be perfectly horizontal or vertical. I don't have a solution and have just trying zooming in really close or making the object really large to allow more control and then shrinking it down. This happens even if you have the snap to grid turned off. Just seems finicky.
- BenKanspedosCommunity Member
I agree. Its so annoying. Here is a video showing issue:
Thanks Ben for reaching out here - and there hasn't been a change to the behavior in terms of the line functionality so at this point it would need to be a feature request.
- JohnMorley-b701Community Member
Following the advice to hold down Shift while adjusting the end of a line or arrow (as with other programs) in Storyline 3, I get a strange mirror image jump (a line extending to the left of the cursor jumps over to extend from the right): definitely not what I want; especially since the line is still at an angle.
Is there some sort of preference that changes this behavior to make the line or arrow perfectly horizontal or vertical?
Hi John. Thanks for bringing that behavior up for Storyline 3. We have an issue of erratic behavior (like this) reported for Storyline 2, so it looks like it might have carried over into Storyline 3. I'll be sure to document this for our team.
Holding shift will keep an existing line at the same angle as you extend the line.
When I am creating a line, the holding the shift key to keep it level works as expected. When adjusting a previously created line, however, holding the shift key is causing some weird behavior with the line extending in the wrong direction, and even appearing to move when releasing the mouse.
The only workaround I've noticed is to move your mouse cursor either above or below the "plane" of the line.
So, if you see the line extending the wrong way when the cursor is above the plane of the line, pull your cursor below it. And vice versa.
Here's a Peek screencast of what I mean.
I know that's weird and obviously not optimal, so we'll evaluate this as a team to see if we can get that key + mouse combination to work better.
Thank you again!
- JCBlanchardCommunity Member
I'm trying to draw straight lines with the freeform tool, but holding the shift key down doesn't do anything. Is this normal behaviour for this tool?
When I use the same tool in PowerPoint, the shifts constrains to straight lines and precise angles.
Hi JC,
I just tested again in Storyline 360, and didn't run into any issues drawing straight lines. Especially with the new guidelines that appear while drawing it was pretty easy. I also tried Crystals trick of holding down the shift while I was drawing and I was able to even drag that off in a different direction and still a straight line appeared.
Could you tell us a bit more about how you're working on drawing these lines and what version of Storyline you're using?
- JCBlanchardCommunity Member
Hi Ashley,
I'm using SL 360. Here is a screencapture explaining the problem.