Forum Discussion

BilliJoThompson's avatar
Community Member
5 years ago

Variable reference on slider will not display -1

Hi! I am working with sliders for the first time.  In my first Story, I have it all set up the way I want it for the first 3 slides, but I kept running into the problem of -1 not showing up as the variable reference for the slider when the slider is in the position of -1.  I was worried it may be corrupt, so I started fresh with a new story.  I am seeing the same problem and I have no idea how to fix it or what I am doing wrong.  Any help would be greatly appreciated! 

  • JoeFrancis's avatar
    Community Member

    Interesting bug. I can get -1 to appear IF I click the thumb button and tap the Left Arrow key.

    Also interesting: I can get -1 to appear IF I change the Step to 0.5 and use the mouse to move the thumb button. Now I can't get -0.5 to display unless I once again click the thumb button and tap the Left Arrow key.

    • BilliJoThompson's avatar
      Community Member

      Did you happen to open Round 1 and Round 2? I guess I have another question too.... do you know if there is an easier to populate the voltage value on Slide 1 in Round 1 other than put in triggers for every value on the slider?

  • I just tried using the arrow keys, and I was able to see the -1.  However, the mouse doesn't seem to want to play :( 

  • JoeFrancis's avatar
    Community Member

    I tried the Left Arrow/Right Arrow keys trick in both files. And could see that neither would show -1 when using the mouse.

    I see what you're after for populating the Voltage Value variable... What if you change the Start/End scale from [-16 to + 16] to [1 to 34], with 17 as the Initial point? Then you could (hopefully) apply a somewhat-simple mathematical formula to the value of Slider3 to get an on-screen voltage.

  • Showing the values of -16 to 16 is valuable in the way of duplicating what is done in the real world.  I wouldn't want the slider to read 1 instead of -16, could be confusing for the learners. But thanks for the thought! 

  • JoeFrancis's avatar
    Community Member

    Okay, that part is easy to adjust. Change the scale from [-16 to +16] to [0 to 32]. Create a new numeric variable, called numSliderPos. Insert it as a reference on-screen. In the Triggers window, we need 2 new triggers:

    Set numSliderPos to variable Slider3
    When Slider3 changes

    Subtract value 16 from numSliderPos
    When Slider3 changes

    As the slider moves, the on-screen variable changes, preserving the -16 to +16 requirement. Curiously, I can now get -1 when I move the button with the mouse.

  • JoeFrancis's avatar
    Community Member

    Now you just figure out a formula where:

    voltage = numSliderPos(x)

    My math isn't what it used to be, so I'm not going to be much help there. But maybe somebody inside may be able to provide some insight?

    • BilliJoThompson's avatar
      Community Member

      I only needed the voltages for one slide, so I just went ahead and did it the way I had done it before.  Now my challenge is going to be using lots of dials and sliders and keeping them all straight throughout the slides :) 

  • Hi everyone!

    I have some great news to share. We just released another update for Storyline 360. In Update 75, we've included important fixes. One of the bugs we've fixed is: 

    • HTML5: When moving the slider, it skips -1

    Launch the Articulate 360 desktop app on your computer to take advantage of this update, and click the Update button next to Storyline 360. You'll find our step-by-step instructions here.

    Please let me know if you have any questions!