Forum Discussion
360 º image help - converting from another format?
Hi Leah,
Can you tell what container the images are in, if not .jpg? I know you say that you view them on an HTML page, but unless I am just ignorant about this, you usually view images on HTML pages that are either .jpg, .gif, or .png files.
If you have the source files, does that mean that you have images in some type of format? If so, you might be able to stitch them together as a panorama in Photoshop or some other software. I have done some limited stitching experimentation in Photoshop, so I believe it is possible.
- LeahHemeon7 months agoCommunity Member
Thanks Kendal. I do have the jpgs that the panoramic files pull in. It's controlled by Javascript executed through the HTML file though. I tried stitching them together in Photoshop but because they've been manipulated by the Panoramic Studio before being output into the current form, they don't seem to stitch together very well. I have very limited experience with this in Photoshop though so I don't know that it's not me...