Forum Discussion

  • It's not a good idea to have the same name on objects and slides. In this case, it is partially responsible for masking the problem. In fact, duplicate names for anything can be very confusing. In this case, it was slides and objects having the same name. That made it confusing to find the real culprit.

    These triggers are causing the problem:

    When slide Panel 03 opens, it shows Rectangle Panel 02. When that object's timeline starts, this trigger jumps to slide Panel 02.

  • Hi Sanchit,

    Thanks for reaching out about this! I understand your accordion interaction isn't working as it should! I'd be happy to work with you to figure out why this is happening! After opening your file, I deleted all the triggers and then rebuilt them all. Now it looks like everything is working as it should. I attached a new file below. Could you please test it out to see if everything is working on your end?

    I hope this helps and I look forward to your response!