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AllisonZnachko-'s avatar
Community Member
4 years ago

AI voiceover recommendations

Hello, I'm looking to use an AI voiceover app for my courses, as I'm working remotely full time now and don't have access to great voiceover volunteers at my office any longer. Anyone have any good recommendations or reviews? I am looking at LOVO and Well Said Labs. Thank you!

  • My company used PlayHT in the past. Their prices were reasonable, and had a wide selection of voices (including dialects). That was a couple of years ago. Im sure technology has improved since. We were using Lectora at the time which did not have a text to speech. Something I realized after looking at other applications, many are using the same voices. Articulate's stock voices have improved with the last update. However, there is a noticeable different.

    Regardless of what software is being used, I still think its easy to hear when its AI talking. For shorter classes I use Voice.AI. It allows the user to speak in famous voices. Morgan Freeman, James Earl Jones, and William Shatner sound good.

    • JenniferBell901's avatar
      Community Member

      This is the tool my company is using that Rise places all these characters in after publication. UGH!

  • OmarCannon's avatar
    Community Member

    Both LOVO and Well Said Labs are reputable AI voiceover platforms with positive reviews. Consider trying both to see which aligns better with your preferences and needs for course narration.

  • We use Well Said Labs and have not had any issues.  They have introduced different languages this year. I have not used that as the contractor we use for all of our translations takes care of that for us.  I will explore Voice.AI I'd love to have James Earl Jones facilitate training. :-) 

  • Which are you referring to? The stock voices Articulate has? The last update brought a couple of additional options. The higher tier companies sound like they are all using the same sources for their AI.

    • JenniferBell901's avatar
      Community Member

      Specifically, how Rise takes these AI generated audio files and makes them so long that our LMS kick them back when we upload. We use and that is how I discovered this issue. I plan to test Storyline's AI audio voices and see if Rise does the same thing. Have you noticed a difference in the file title length Rise generates between and Storyline?

  • AllenNation's avatar
    Community Member

    A really nice free one is Microsoft Clipchamp. Many good voices and great settings to adjust the voice. I have used it on several projects. you will need to google how to open the text to speech. after that, very intuitive.

  • vips_vaibhav's avatar
    Community Member

    If you have an Azure subscription, then Microsoft's text-to-speech is one of the best I've tried. Their neural voices are amazing.

  • I appreciate all the recommendations and they are less expensive than so I will definitely be checking them out. However, I would really appreciate a response from the Articulate crew about what they can do about Rise and how it adds all these extra characters. It seems to be a thing that has impacted people and their LMSs for a while now. They know this creates an issue no matter what tool is used. you have a response?

    • EricSantos's avatar

      Hello Jennifer,

      Thanks for sharing your experience regarding the audio filename length in Rise 360; I'm sorry you ran into this!

      Our engineers are currently looking into shortening the filenames in the published output, so I'll go ahead and include your voice in the report. We'll let you know once this change is available. In the meantime, we're happy to troubleshoot your course for any tailored options. Feel free to connect with us in a case using this link.