Forum Discussion
Allowing user to miss a question in a quiz?
Sarah I'm so sorry I missed your question yesterday! For some reason I didn't receive a notification about your post yesterday or the one today, which is odd. Will have to look into that.
Regarding your question about the sequence drag/drop. What I would do is create a true/false variable that pays attention to whether the learner got the sequence drag/drop question correct. Set its initial value to false, and use a trigger to change it to True at the beginning of the timeline of the Correct feedback layer.
If you prefer not to show feedback after the question, here's what worked for me: keep the feedback turned on, but just add a trigger that immediately hides the layer and moves the learner to the next slide when the feedback layer appears. That way the learner doesn't see the feedback layer but you can still use it to trigger your Variable to change. Attached is an example.