Forum Discussion

MichaelSteck740's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Any "surefire" way to *release* control of a Rise lesson?

Hi -- I've wondered about this for years, and a colleague just asked me, so (after searching) I decided it was time to post this question, since I imagine others also wonder.

I've always understood the "Do you want to take control ... ?" messages, the reasons why, and how it works. I can find articles or forum posts which explain those things, as with the following :

What I can't find is an indication of how you can concretely release control of a lesson, so others don't get bogus messages saying you're working on that lesson when you were done hours ago -- something like the check-out/check-back-in functionality some other platforms offer.

My current solution is to send an IM and check with that person, although that doesn't work if they're off for the day, in another time zone and past working hours, presenting in a meeting/training and unable to respond, etc. If Rise says it has been many hours and/or I know one of the above applies, I feel safer "kicking them out." With my colleague just now, it was fairly late his time, but fortunately he did reply.

If no such definitive method for saying "all clear, I'm definitely done" exists in Rise, could you please add this as a feature request? I'm hoping, if others have wished for this, that they'll see this post and add their "+1" to indicate it's a shared desire -- thanks!

  • Hi there, Michael. I'm sorry you're seeing some inconsistency with the lesson lockout feature for collaborators. I've confirmed that it's working correctly on my end with Chrome v104.0.5112.101 on a MacBook OS 12.5.1:

    • You'll see someone's avatar next to a lesson as soon as they open the lesson. You shouldn't need to refresh the page.
    • The avatar will indicate the last time a lesson was edited by them. If they just open the lesson and do nothing, it could say edited 2 years ago, e.g.
    • Their avatar will disappear as soon as they exit the lesson.
    • If you decide to take control of the lesson, they'll get a pop up on their screen to prevent them from making any changes that won't be saved.

    It's possible that there's something environmental that is interfering with those immediate lesson locks. The best practice would be for folks to exit the lesson and the course when they're done for the day.

  • AnnaKeeler's avatar
    Community Member

    Thanks for asking the question Michael, I've also wondered about how to "close" a session so that others aren't locked out. I guess the answer is just to navigate to the main menu? Definitely not intuitive, and not something wrong with your environment.

    • KarlMuller's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi Anna,

      More often than not in our team, this happens when a team member:

      • Steps away while still editing a Lesson.
      • Close the browser window while still editing a Lesson.

      Both situations can be avoided by team members properly exiting the Lesson and returning to the list of Lessons.