Forum Discussion

OmarAboo's avatar
Community Member
4 years ago

Articulate 360 login not working properly


I'm getting an error when trying to login to Articulate 360, I get this:


It then opens MS EDge and tries to open some web pages, but they fail. I get this:

I've been using this for some time now (3+ yrs) so don't think there has been a firewall change and my colleagues report that they can all get access. Any ideas why the dashboard is not working?

To be clear, I can access Rise etc through the web and Storyline works just fine on my laptop, I just can't get the dashboard to work. Thanks

Update: Just tried Storyline. While it opened, it presented this:

Part of the same thing, I guess!



4 Replies

  • OmarAboo's avatar
    Community Member

    Changing my default browser from MS Edge to Chrome has resolved my issue. I suspect I missed a crucial update when I was on leave (as a colleague also had this issue, as she was on leave too). Thanks to the Articulate IT Team and all involved for getting me back up and running

  • Hi Omar,

    I'm sorry to hear you're running into this issue, but good call to get a case started!

    I see you've reached out to your IT team to review your settings, but if they come back with additional questions, feel free to forward them in your case with Chester, and he'll follow up as soon as possible! 

  • Hello!  I am having these exact same issues; however, I did change my browser and it did not resolve the issue.  I have opened a ticket with Articulate just moments ago in hopes for a resolution.  If anyone knows of any other tricks, I would greatly appreciate it!  I have removed and reinstalled the desktop programs and tried all the trouble shooting a coworker and I could find but NOTHING seems to resolve this issue.  

  • Hello Jody!

    I see that you've reached out to our Support Engineers and are working with my teammate, Darwin! You're in great hands. We’ll continue the conversation in your support case!