Forum Discussion

ChristenClark's avatar
Community Member
14 years ago

Articulate presentations designed for kids?

Hello all,

The organization I work for is making our first foray into e-learning, after 40+ years teaching elementary-age children in classroom settings. We're still at the stage of selecting authoring software and, in fact, deciding whether we'll even go the rapid authoring route. 

I've spent the past few weeks researching rapid authoring tools and I have not yet seen a single example of an e-learning presentation designed for children with one of these tools. Articulate is currently our front-runner, because it's so user-friendly for non-programmers, but we have concerns about whether we'll be able to customize it enough to make presentations both engaging to children and able to be done independently by kids as young as 7 or 8. Does anyone know of any examples of content for children created in Articulate? 



  • Hi Christen --

    I am an Articulate Advocate through and through. I have worked with a number of other platforms that are great at what they do, but for developing training that is based on concepts, theories or other abstract ideas, hands down Articulate is the best. Its abilitiy to interface so intimately with PowerPoint while at the same time offering so much customization is amazing. I don't have an example of a course that I can share right now for confidentiality reasons, but I have used, and continue to use Articulate to build all sorts of game-based learning, which is wonderful for children. Children now are so inundated with technology that my 2 year knows his way around my iPad better than my husband. Whichever platform you choose, it needs to give you the flexibility to make it look bright and inviting, function with seemless navigation and the creative freedom to build your course any way you choose. Articulate can certainly do that.

    What an exciting place for your organization to be in. Best of luck! hopefully soon you will be on here sharing some of the amazing courses that you built!

  • Hi Christen - I may be the lone ranger here because my specialty is e-Learning in Lectora - with that said - I couldn't live without PowerPoint and have a great respect for some of the creative courses I have seen developed in Articulate. My comment is in direct response to something you said... "we have concerns about whether we'll be able to customize it enough to make presentations both engaging to children and able to be done independently by kids as young as 7 or 8."

    In my experience, unless you program using variables which allows you to respond directly to a learner's specific action your level of engagement with them is going to be limited. Regarding e-Learning that appeals to children, I think that graphics play a big role in this.



  • jeiaase's avatar
    Community Member

    If I have been to complete this path I would likely add voice and article, and have buttons flash whilst they're imagined to press on them. (To make the selection extra apparent)

  • HillaryHughes's avatar
    Community Member


    Hoping someone might have a template they could share?? The content at Energy kids is great! I work at a utility company and we provide community safety training for the Grade 6 electrical safety program. It's something the company has done for the community for 20+ years.

    We used to have presenters go into the classroom with an electrical display model to show kids about electricity, the dangers, and how to keep safe. Now, because of COVID - and since the presenters (typically retired powerline technicians) can't go into schools anymore; we have to create and design a free website/ e-learning course for the grade 6 strudents that teachers can access from our homepage. Our budget was also cut, so we have to design something in-house.

    I'm looking to take a physical display and turn it into an online course. Has to be engaging, easy, bright and fun. Help!!