Forum Discussion

KatMartinez's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Articulate programs freezing

First it was Peek and Replay 360, but now it's Storyline 360 that freezes on my computer (HP laptop).

I installed these programs three months ago and immediately had issues with Peek and Replay freezing my whole computer.  After attempting to close the programs via Task Manager, I found that I had to hard reboot, restart, uninstall and reinstall a couple different times before finally understanding it was a network issue--Yes, I see that working on a network is not recommended, but at the time my employer required it.  Now that I am working from my desktop things have been okay for the most part.  

However, Storyline 360 is starting to freeze.  Today it froze just after I added an audio recording (using the mic function) to a slide.  I was able to use Task Manager to close and restart the program, but I lost some work.  Our tech people here helped me to change the settings so that automatic saving occurs every 2 minutes now, but they don't know why I'm experiencing freezing.

Any thoughts?

  • Hi Kat, and welcome to the E-Learning Heroes community!

    I'm so sorry to hear that you're experiencing this issue with Storyline. This shouldn't be happening, and I'm happy to help investigate what's going on. I'd like to start with a few clarifying questions.

    • I understand Storyline froze after adding an audio recording. Are you seeing any type of error message?
    • Have you checked out this article with possible reasons and solutions as to why Storyline isn't working as expected?
    • Is this happening with one specific project or audio file or multiple files?
      • If it's happening across multiple files, you may want to try a Storyline repair.

    If the issue is isolated to one file, would you be willing to share your course with us? You can upload it here or share it privately in a support case.  We'll delete it from our systems once troubleshooting is complete.

  • KatMartinez's avatar
    Community Member

    Thank you for your response, Kelly.  I learned from our tech support that the issue was with my network running too slowly rather than anything on Articulate's end.

  • Thanks so much for the update, Kat! I'm sure this will be helpful to others that come across a similar issue in the future. 

    Feel free to reach out in the E-Learning Heroes Community to share any discoveries or questions you may have in the future. 

    Have a great day and happy authoring! ✨

  • WayneWade's avatar
    Community Member

    I'm currently have the same issue.  I have summited a case over a week ago and no one has responded.  I need to have theses course published by 08/28 and I don't see it happening


  • Hi Wayne,

    Thanks for reaching out! I understand you haven't seen a response to the case you submitted. According to our records, one of our support engineers replied to you via email on 8/7. Have you checked your spam/junk folder for the reply? If you have and are still not seeing it, please let us know.

    • WayneWade's avatar
      Community Member


      I just checked my junk mail and I don't not have an email response.

  • KatMartinez's avatar
    Community Member

    Update:  Peek 360 still does not work on my computer.  On or off the office network, it completely freezes (when it actually "works").  I've installed and uninstalled probably 10 or more times.  It's a bummer, because it would be helpful to capture quick video clips for a project I am working on.

  • Hi, Wayne!

    Thanks for confirming that you don't see an email from our team in your spam or junk folder. We've gotten in touch with Mick, the Support Engineer assigned to your case, and they will resend their reply. You should be hearing from them shortly and we truly appreciate your patience!


    Hi, Kat!

    Thanks for updating this discussion with what you're experiencing. Peek 360 shouldn't be freezing and I understand how frustrating this can be. I'm happy to help narrow down the issue!

    To take it a step further, you can also try creating a local user or administrator account in Windows. Here's how! Alternatively, our Support Engineers will be happy to assist you in a support case to troubleshoot further. You can submit a case here.

  • Tim_'s avatar
    Community Member

    Storyline 360 freezes for me completely if the computer sleeps, does its screensaver, or any PWM stuff at all. According to Task Manager it's still running, but the interface is not interactable in any way whatsoever, and one has to End Task on it and start over. Reinstalled etc, just seems to be "how it is now". I gave up with Peek.