Forum Discussion

CharlesMistr110's avatar
Community Member
10 months ago

Articulate Review Continue or Restart?


I currently have a web ed in Review so that our stakeholders can review it and give feedback. One of them had to close out and reopened and had to restart from the beginning. I could have sworn that Review gave the option to continue or restart if you closed out in the middle of a web-ed. Has this changed? I double checked and closed out about halfway through and it made me restart it. I thought there was a pop up when you reopened that asked if you wanted to continue. Is this a change, a bug, or am I completely confusing it with our LMS? Is there a setting when I publish to Review that I'm missing that will allow users to continue? Any feedback would be appreciated because it's a rather long web-ed and I'd like our stakeholders to have the ability to close and restart if they need to. 

  • An LMS allows for resuming, because the program can store the suspend/resume data in the LMS. 

    On the web (e.g., in Review), there's no place to store that info.

    Sometimes a course on the web will let the user resume. I believe that's based on browser settings for cookies. (Sorry, I can't tell you what to adjust in any browser to ensure it will work.)

    Here's what I've done for courses that will have restricted navigation but that need to be reviewed first: 

    • Set the course to Free Navigation.
    • If the course won't use the built-in Menu, I add the Menu as a tab in the top-right of the Player. And I rename it "TEMP MENU" (via editing the Text Label). This allows the user to jump to any part of the course, as needed.
      • If the course is using the Menu, just leave it as is.
    • Add a message at the start that tells the reviewers that the final course will have restricted navigation, but that they are allowed to jump around for the review. (Point out the TEMP MENU as needed.)
      • I usually do this via a lightbox that appears automatically the first time a user opens the first slide. But it could just be text placed over part of the first slide. 
    • I also add an off-slide note to myself on the 1st slide of the Storyline file that reminds me to turn on Restricted navigation, delete the temp menu, and delete the message to reviewers before I publish the course.

    Note: There still may be issues if the course depends on a lot of variables that are referenced throughout across a lot of slides. But usually it works well enough so reviewers can check content.