Forum Discussion

LewFairbrother's avatar
Community Member
11 months ago

Colleague unable to press 'Continue' in RISE module

Hi, I'm hoping this is a one-off but I wanted to get ahead of it just in case. 

I released a new RISE course to all colleagues in my business yesterday, and one colleague experienced an issue where they couldn't press 'Continue'. 

They were using a MacBook Pro and Safari 14.11.

This is the only time I've seen an issue like this, other colleagues in the business have had no trouble completing the course. 

As a workaround, I was able to impersonate the colleague on our LMS and press continue for them, but I want to prevent it from happening if I can. 

  • Hi Lewis, 

    Happy to help!

    Since your course worked for all of your colleagues except one, the issue may have been isolated to the workstation of the affected user. To confirm if this is the case, you can have the affected user: 

    • Access the course using a different browser
    • Make sure that they are using the latest version of Safari. On my MacBook Pro, the version of Safari that I have installed is Version 17.3.1 (19617.
    • Clear their browser's cache

    Let me know if the issue persists after performing the steps above!