Forum Discussion

DustyMcDonald-8's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Articulate Rise: Stuck on Quiz Results Screen

Good afternoon! 

I've published a chapter course in Articulate Rise with five quizzes. 

Some users are reporting the following error: After completing Quiz 1, they Exit the course. When they return and advance through the course to Quiz 2, they pass Quiz 2 but then receive the message below. 

The message indicates that they can't advance until they pass Quiz 1, which they have already passed. They are then stuck on the Quiz results page, unable to navigate forward or back. 

Has anyone else experienced something similar? We have added a menu to see if that helps. 

Any advice is appreciated. 


- Dusty


1 Reply

  • Hi Dusty,

    I am sorry to hear about what happened with the quiz. The locked continue button can only require you to complete the quiz it is a part of. So, the locked continue button in the second quiz refers to the second quiz. I think the confusion comes from the label of the button. 

    You can edit the button's label by clicking on Settings.

    Then click on Labels.

    Scroll down to "Must pass quiz before continuing." The text on the right is where you can type the new label.


    Thank you and let me know how it goes.