Forum Discussion
Articulate User Groups: Tips, Tricks, and Best Practices.
Hey gang!
I recently brought up the topic of local user groups here in the community (Are You Interested in Local Articulate User Groups?) and the response was pretty loud and clear: You like the idea!
A few community members suggested starting a separate forum thread just for people who are participating in these user groups, and since we aim to please, here it is!
If you're part of a Storyline user group (or interested in starting your own), this is your place to exchange ideas, experiences, tips, and best practices on what has worked, and hasn't worked, for your user group.
Have at it! =)
- DavidCharney1Community Member
Thanks for creating this! I would love to start a Chicago user group. Let me know if anyone has interest. I have started a couple of user groups before. A few things I realized from my previous experiences:
- Enjoy yourself. It can be a lot of work but enjoy yourself.
- It is a lot of work! But it is constant learning and you meet a lot more of the community.
- There are lots of places that are happy to provide free space for user groups to meet. Call around.
- Depending on how often you want a user group to meet, plan a number of meetings out before having your first meeting. This includes having networking, presentations, food, challenges, discussions, panels, whatever it might be, ready to go.
- Don't do it alone. The point of a group is to be a group and if there are people you can find that want to help, then by all means! Often you meet more people who want to play apart in the first number of meetings.
- Come up with ways to involve people. User groups sometimes get caught in hour long presentations. Mix it up with these, networking, local talent showcases, challenges like the ELH Challenge (
- Freebies (yeah... they can bring people in and they are fun). I am not sure if Articulate has a program for this, sometimes they do. Does anyone know? If not, sometimes you can find other local companies dealing with eLearning who can invest some money for food, give-aways, etc.
- Have a website. A clear place for your group to look up info, see notes and wrap-ups, etc. Does Articulate have community sites for user groups?
- Enjoy yourself.
I am probably missing a bunch but that was off the top of my head.
- StephanieDaul1Community Member
Did anything happen with a user group in Chicago? I would like to be a part of it if there is.
Stephanie Daul
- GregDamronCommunity Member
Hi Nicole,
Thanks for the shout out in the previous thread. Natalia Mueller and I have been leading a Storyline special interest group in St. Louis MO/IL bi-state area for most of 2014 and have had great results. The group is organized through the ATD St. Louis Chapter - after some awesome workshop events from Tom, Nicole, and team.We had been looking to build a local Storyline support group for our Chapter members for some time. Everything came together and call it the ‘perfect storm’ if you will – we PR’d, and polled people for a few months to find the best times, days, and locations people thought they could attend. We held our first meeting on March 12, 2014 with amazing 40+ Storyline users attending and even a few more registering, but not able to make it.
The good news here for those of you who have said you would like to have a local group in your area is that you won’t necessarily need a perfect storm to get one started. I’m the Chapter President for the St. Louis ATD Chapter as well as an E-Learning Heroes Community Member. When attending the ATD Chapter leadership conference just two months ago, there were already several chapters in addition to St. Louis Chapter who had formed e-learning support groups and many others talking of starting them as they returned from the conference. There is a very good chance if you are near a city with an ATD Chapter, they may already have something in the works as a few of you have shared in the post prior to this one.
Speaking for my own chapter, it made great sense to build the special interest group. It fulfills our mission of serving our members, and helps in building our local e-learning community. The chapter systems and resources meant we didn’t need to start from scratch, and instead could just focus on having quality group meetings. Our meetings are free and open to any chapter member or guest who would like to attend. We’ve had several new members join the chapter as a result of our group, finding that in addition to providing for their special interest in Storyline, other chapter learning events also provided for their wider interests. On the Storyline side, the in person interactions at the local meetings complement the online support we’ve all grown to love through our E-Learning Heroes Community very nicely.
During our first meeting, we discussed how frequently to set the meetings and after some discussion, settled on bi-monthly (every two months). The rationale behind this was that many felt that monthly would be too frequent to routinely fit in their calendar, and quarterly meant that if they did miss a meeting it would be 6 months before they could get to another one. We’ve met bi-monthly ever since with our last meeting just a few weeks ago in November. The meetings are usually held on Weds or Thurs afternoon from 1p-4p.
Natalia, her company (RGA Reinsurance), and others from the RGA team have done an excellent job of hosting us throughout the year. Many many thanks go out to Natalia and the RGA team, ...although there was one exception when they weren't able to host. We needed to meet at another location in November - while they were moving to a new building. Many thanks to World Wide Technologies for volunteering to host our meeting that month.
Our typical meeting structure is made up of the segments listed below and we heavily encourage involvement from the group (usually an assortment, but not all on the list at each meeting):
- Meeting opening and new member introductions
- Program topics (one or multiple presenters, target 10-20 min each)
- Member Showcase, one or more members "showcasing" a project they may be particularly proud of
- Group eLearning Challenge project (often from the community), then share different approaches and solutions to the challenge
- Works in Progress, an open forum to ask advice or brainstorm with other members on current projects. It may be with a .story file open, or a discussion within the group where someone describes a problem they are trying to solve.
- Time for general tip sharing and Networking
- Other ideas as surfaced from the groupIt’s a three hour meeting and it feels like it goes by pretty quickly. At the end of each meeting we distribute a two question survey for immediate feedback:
1) How would you rate and what comments do you have from today’s meeting? (time well spent, met your needs, topics were of interest)
2A) What topics are you interested in knowing more about at future meetings?
2B) What topics/projects would you be interested in presenting at future meetings?So far we’ve gotten an overwhelming response in the feedback that it is has been time well spent, and we've also received many ideas for our future meetings.
It seems this has turned into a lengthy post. I would be happy to help with questions you may have, as I'm sure would Natalia.
If you are thinking about starting a group, I would strongly encourage you. It is a lot of work as David has said, but well worth the effort you'll put in. If you are near an ATD Chapter, and don't yet have a connection there, I would be happy to assist with an introduction. If you are not sure if you have one nearby, you can search chapter locations here:
Please feel free to reach out if you are wanting to start or in the process of starting a group and feel I can be of help.
- RemaMerrick-aa0Community Member
Greg - thanks for sharing your agenda. It's been super helpful. I recently started an Articulate User Group through in Atlanta, Georgia. We've had two meeting so far but we're still trying to work out the kinks. Currently, our agenda includes some of the items you mentioned but we're going to add the others you mentioned. We're currently only have 17 members but it's growing and we've had two successful meetups. Our next meet is in October. Thanks again for this discussion thread, Nicole.
Greg - Thank you, thank you, thank you!! For taking the time to write this very helpful and detailed post about your experience with the ST-Louis User Group. You've shared a lot of very valuable tips and information, and it's so kind of you to offer yourself up to answering questions or helping out others who might be interested in starting their own groups. Thanks again.
- GregDamronCommunity Member
Thanks Nicole, this is a great community and I'm happy to help.
Please reach out to me at if there are questions I can help with (sorry I forgot to include that earlier).
@ David and Jonathan, I may be able to provide introductions in both Chicago and San Francisco.
- JonathonMillerCommunity Member
Anyone know anything about a user group in the San Francisco Bay Area?
- KimberlyVallierCommunity Member
The North Texas Articulate User Group (or NTAUG, based in Dallas) held its first meeting October 22 with approx 20 people in attendance. We pretty much did a get to know each other, discuss the direction of the group and layout a game plan kind of meeting.
Our Dallas ATD chapter's Technology SIG group held a meeting on using Storyline, so I attended and announced the new group starting up to gather contact information for those interested in joining. I then sent out an informational survey to figure out the time that future members prefer to meet, find out where they are located in the DFW metroplex, and topics they'd like to see presented.
Coincidentally, Tom and David were in town in early October for one of their 2-day workshops and I also made an announcement there.
Natalia and Victoria (in Austin leading CTAUG) provided me with excellent advice for getting started!
We opted for meeting quarterly with meetings scheduled for February 4, May 6, August 5, November 4 from 5:00-7:00pm. One of the members volunteered to cover Templates/Custom Color Scheme for the February meeting and we'll do a Challenge Showcase (to start us off, I picked 5 of David's earlier challenges) and General Q&A. We have a list of topics from the survey and the group elected to choose the next meeting topic at each meeting so that our topics are relevant to the group needs.
Our biggest challenge at the moment is the area in which we live. It is tough to choose a meeting location that is convenient for everyone since the Metroplex is so large. For now, we're going to contain ourselves to the North Dallas/Addison/Plano area. There has also been talk of hosting a virtual meeting.
I'd be happy to discuss the NTAUG futher, feel free to shoot me an email at ntexaug at gmail.
- GregDamronCommunity Member
Kimberly - sounds like you are off to a great start so far!
- MaryLorenz1Community Member
Hi Kim! This is Mary Lorenz and I have taken over the Central Texas Articulate Users Group from Victoria. Our website is .
I am glad to know you have things going strong in the North Texas Area.
- StuartGilbertCommunity Member
Id be interested if there is anyone in the UK?
- TracyParishSuper Hero
Tracy Parish @Tracy_Parish
Organizing #Articulate meet up Toronto/GTA area users. Wed Feb 18th 5:00-7:00, location TBA - let me (Tracy) know if interested.Holly MacDonald @sparkandco
Organizing #articulate meet up Vancouver area users. Weds Jan 21st 4:30 - 6:30, location TBA - let me (Holly) know if interested.Link to additional thread.
- ShellyBlairCommunity Member
I'd love to attend/help organize one in Orange County/San Diego/LA area! I am in Orange county specifically :)
- LauraBrownCommunity Member
Please let me know how I can attend or help organize, I'm in San Diego.
Thank you,
- KevinThornSuper Hero
Great stuff and thanks for the tips David, Greg, and Kimberly.
I'm kicking off a Memphis user group this year. Already tied in with ATD Memphis so check that box. When and where is our first meeting? Don't know yet, but we have a similar challenge as Kimberly with such a large metro area to find a central convenient location. I do know it will probably involve BBQ, though!
Thanks for sharing your tips and if you hear of anyone interested in this area, send them my way. I travel a lot to conferences, client visits, and give workshops at ATD chapters - will definitely look into visiting area user groups if the timing is right.