Forum Discussion
11 years agoCommunity Member
Articulate User Groups: Tips, Tricks, and Best Practices.
Hey gang!
I recently brought up the topic of local user groups here in the community (Are You Interested in Local Articulate User Groups?) and the response was pretty loud and clear: You like the ...
10 years agoCommunity Member
Nicole--any thoughts on creating some kind of speaker list? For instance, the Dallas group is running into a little bit of a snag finding speakers and if we had a list of potential guest speakers (virtual of course), we could all bug the daylights out of the same willing participants until he/she removes his/her name from the list. ;) Kidding, sort of.
I'm just noodling these thoughts and will likely reach out to people based on a topic of interest for our group. Right now i'm working to find someone who has conquered creating software simulations with Storyline--will also include demonstrations of any sort, but not necessarily limited to screencasting.