Forum Discussion
Articulate User Groups: Tips, Tricks, and Best Practices.
Hi everyone,
Apologies for the late post but we had our AUG in Sydney a few weeks ago and we were very happy with the way it went. We had just over 30 people come along and myself and my colleagues Ruth and Ben talked about master slides, colour & font themes, button sets, true/false variables, motion paths and sliders.
We even had David Anderson Skype in which was really cool. We were hoping that we might have had a few volunteers offer to present but in reality people seem to prefer to come along and watch at first. We've had three expressions of interest from people for the next one.
We also filmed the presentations and put some highlights together. We also learned a few lessons about film making for the next one. Here's a link to the highlights:
The entire clip is about 32 minutes long so to make it easier to jump to different sections, here’s when each starts:
Matt: 0.39, Ruth: 6.59, David: 19.24, Ben: 20.09
I'd just like to thank Nicole for sending me her user group checklist and to those who've contributed to this thread, your advice was most helpful!
We've got more meetups planned - in Newcastle of May 28 and Melbourne on July 29.
Will let you know how it goes :-)
Nicole, any chance, you could send me this checklist as well. I am researching tips to lead multiple user groups that my company would like to launch in September. Thanks in advance. I also created a thread on linkedIn but it hasn't raise much feedback: