Forum Discussion

AxiansPT's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Assessment made in storyline

I have a course made in rise, to which I have added some storyline blocks. One of these blocks, is positioned at the end of the course, and corresponds to a 10 question assessment, with only 1 attempt. However, when the user exits the course and then resumes it, he/she can do the evaluation again (and thus change the result obtained in the first attempt).

How can I get around this issue?

Thanks for your help!

  • Storyline blocks reload when the course reloads and do not resume, you can save values to local storage using javascript but this is not reliable as any web page can reset local storage, no real way around this unless your LMS only allows one attempt.

  • Storyline blocks reload when the course reloads and do not resume, you can save values to local storage using javascript but this is not reliable as any web page can reset local storage, no real way around this unless your LMS only allows one attempt.

  • Hi - and Happy New Year...

    Have you thought about perhaps outputting the results of the assessment to a downloadable pdf? The learner can then save or print the pdf to their local system.

    Sure, they can then go back and take the assessment again. But they would at least have a permanent copy of their first attempt. As Phil says if the LMS only allows one attempt it may be possible to make sure the results in the LMS are also just from that first attempt...

    Downloading to a pdf from Storyline within RISE has been discussed here and it is something we have been meaning to solve for some time - and I'm pleased to say that we now have a working solution - it CAN be done!