Forum Discussion
Attaching resources to a Rise course
Hi everyone, I have seen that in the player for a Storyline course, resources can be attached. I am assuming I could attach a PDF with hands-on exercise instructions for example. Could something similar be done in Rise?
- NicoleLegault1Community Member
Hi Peter!
Yes you could easily accomplish the same in Rise. You could either insult a blocks Lesson and then add a File Attachment block, where you could attach the PDF file.
If you upload your PDF to a web server or FTP, you could also use that link in a URL/Embed lesson type in Rise.
You could also insert a Button block type and have the Button link to your PDF that is hosted/lived online. You could also just have a piece of text be hyperlinked to the PDF doc as well.
There's tons of ways to do this in Rise! :)
- ValeriaVillarroCommunity Member
Can you also link or show associated elements with a tool tip type of interaction like you could in Storyline?
Hi Laura!
I'd love to hear more about your idea. Do you want to hover over a word in a Rise lesson to see a pop-up box with information about that word?
- AGwinniFTICommunity Member
I like Laura's idea. I feel like having a hover feature with a popup would eliminate adding too much bulk to the lesson and make it quick and easy for a learner to verify information.
- ValeriaVillarroCommunity Member
I would love to see that - so I can offer my clients quick definitions or information.
- AdamBloomfieldCommunity Member
Did the idea of having a hover feature with a popup box with information about that word ever get created?
Hi all,
A pop-up info box or tooltip is a feature we have already logged with our team. We don't have an ETA yet on this, but we will update this thread if we have further information regarding this feature from our team.
- AdamBloomfieldCommunity Member
Thank you