Forum Discussion

    • Renz_Sevilla's avatar

      Hi Christin, the maximum file size for each document file, video, audio clip, and image you upload to a Rise 360 course is 5 GB.

  • Hi ... I have added attachments as PDF but my LMS does not like them and does not open them, so I use hyperlinks to those attachments and it is perfectly fine! Odd but works!
    I am now wondering is it any way to hide the actual attachments?

    Note, I know I could have hyperlinked to outside files but my LMS does not like that either :(

    Anyone with a similar issue? or a better solution?

    • CNavarro's avatar
      Former Staff

      Hi Azi, have you reached out to your LMS support team? They might be able to allow the opening of the attachments in your Rise 360 course or provide a workaround. 

  • Tengo un problema que no puedo identificar que está pasando, al subir un archivo pdf que se exporto de un ppt, uno de los documentos lo abre directamente en una pestaña del navegador, y el otro abre la pestaña, pero inmediatamente se cierra y en el icono de descargas del navegador pregunta que hacer, si abrirlo o guardarlo o lo descarga automáticamente al dar clic. Qué es lo que tengo que modificar para que no pida guardarlo, lo que necesito es que al dar clic se abra el archivo sobre la pestaña siguiente del navegador. 

    • AngeloCruz's avatar

      Hello there! I understand you are encountering different results for how a .PDF file exported from a PowerPoint behaves when embedded in Rise.

      Would you be able to share the .PDF files so that we can have a closer look? You may upload it to us directly by opening a support case here. Our engineers would be happy to troubleshoot the issue with you.

      • TIMOTHYKUHN-533's avatar
        Community Member

        my question was - or what i'm looking for - is a way for the user/trainee
        to upload documents to via a add attachments widget. I want the person or
        persons taking the module to be able to upload and send files to a
        repository for review.

        V/r, Tim

    • Chris-Santos's avatar

      Hi Wendy,

      I don't think we have this officially documented, but I am thinking the limit might be around 265 characters (which will include the names of folders and subfolders where the file is contained.  I say this because I have seen posts where LMS uploads were failing if resource file names exceed this number.

      Having said that, I was able to upload a course to SCORM Cloud with an Attachment block that has a file name of 128 characters.  And while the upload was successful, the name overflowed beyond the frame allotted for the block:

      To be safe, it might be best to put a limit of 60 characters so that the file name and extension will fit within the Attachment block frame.