Forum Discussion

DonaldAdams-330's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Audio Narrated Slide in Rise


I created a Storyline block with a single slide with audio narration and imported it into my Rise course.  When I previewed the published course, I did not encounter a problem.  However, when my SMEs test the published course, they report that after the video plays, the audio immediately plays if they scroll back up to or past the interaction.  The Slide triggers are Play audio Text-to-Speech1 when the timeline starts on this slide; Stop audio Text-to-Speeech1 when the timeline ends on this slide; Exit the course when the timeline ends on this slide.  Do I have the right triggers to stop the audio from replaying?

  • Hi, Donald!

    Thanks for reaching out and I'm sorry you've hit this snag!

    I imported the .story file as a Storyline block in Rise 360. When I preview or publish the course to Review 360, the audio does not replay when I scroll back over the block. If I exit the course and resume, then the audio will play again. I have a couple of clarifying questions to help me better understand the issue.

    • Where did you publish the course?
    • What browser are the SMEs using? Have they tried using a different browser?

    I'll look out for your reply!

  • Hi Kelly,

    I appreciate the follow-up.

    I published the course to Review 360. This is how the SMEs access the course. I think they are accessing the course using Firefox, Chrome, or Edge.

    • JoseTansengco's avatar

      Hi Donald, 

      Thanks for the additional information. I tested your project file on my end and I was unable to replicate the issue as well. Here's the Review 360 link that I used for testing so you can compare our test results. 

      Since the issue is observable in your Review 360 link, would you mind sharing the same link that your SMEs accessed with us here so we can test that instead? I'd like to see if there are any differences between the setup of your course and mine's. We'll delete the file from our servers once we're done testing!

  • Hi Donald,

    I'm happy to chime in! You are correct that this issue is possibly isolated to the SME's environment. We're happy to conduct further investigation as needed. You can send us a screen recording using any recording tool your SME is comfortable with.

    Also, just a quick note that replying via email includes your signature here, so you are welcome to edit the post and remove that information if you wish!