Forum Discussion

DianneOspina-82's avatar
Community Member
12 months ago

Auto slide advancement

We had a course developed by a vendor several years ago regarding Armed Person Preparedness.  Our former director, who states his name and the department he directs in the beginning of the course, has left the company.  The vendor wanted to charge us a large amount just to take his name out of the video, so we put it into Micrsoft Steam and cut it out ourselves. A couple of things were lost in doing this such as the department logo hosting the training, the warning regarding explicit content and closed captioning (I did manually add it back to the video).  I now have 3 slides; the intro slide, warning slide and the slide for the Mp4.  I am trying to have it so that when are employees open the training, they all just play one after the other, without the learner having to do anything (besides having the option to click on the CC option). Do I have to do this via slide layers or by adding triggers?  I am very new to Storyline and greatly appreciate any guidance, thank you very much.

  • SL does have the ability to auto advance a slide w/o user interaction. Trigger (specifically the Jump to Slide) works equally well, just remember to set the trigger to trigger at the end of the timeline

    • DianneOspina-82's avatar
      Community Member

      Thanks Brian, that is what I did and it worked exactly as needed.  Greatly appreciate your guidance.  

  • I guess it all depends on how long you'd like to keep the slide objects/content visible for the learner to read what's on the slide. In the Slide Properties, you may choose whether slides advance "Automatically" or "By user". If slides advance "Automatically", a trigger "Jump to slide next slide when the timeline ends on this slide" will be automatically created in the trigger panel (see attached photo). If your timeline is 5 seconds long, a slide will auto-advance after it reaches 5 seconds. You can extend or shrink the timeline as needed.  You can also turn off Slide navigations and gestures in the Slide Properties, such as Next and Previous buttons (attached photo), to prevent the learner to advance before the timeline ends on a slide. 

    • DianneOspina-82's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi Nedim,

      Thank you for your very helpful advice along with a visual (added bonus, thanks!).  I did add triggers to the first 2 slides using the timeline as the way the course advances and it worked perfect.  I am going to try using the Slide Properties option you mentioned however, to see how that works as well, good practice for me!  

      Thanks again Nedim, have a great day.